Killer Heels and Prada (4/?)

Aug 22, 2009 23:01

TITLE: Killer Heels and Prada
AUTHOR: merylandrebafan
PAIRING: miranda/oc
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these charecters! I wish I did!
A/N: Thanks to mammamiafreak and surena_13
A/N 2: Okay everyone I am starting classes on Monday unfortuanatly for me! I said this chapter would be longer than normal and I think it is a little longer than normal it was like 5 pages on word. Anyways it would have actually been longer but I thought I had a good place to end it so I did! I appreciate your support and bearing with me! Please continue to do so!!!! ENJOY!

Miranda stood in her room in her lingerie and thigh highs trying to pick out an outfit. “No, that’s too formal, too casual…” Miranda halted “What the hell are you doing Miranda?” she said to herself. “This guy is a jack ass who has fun trying to sleep with as many women as possible. So why are you attempting to make extra effort as to what you are wearing? Why did you even agree to this ridiculous private dinner party?” She shook her head and pulled out a black Chanel dress. It was knee length, off the shoulder, showed a respectable amount of cleavage and like all of her clothes hung on her every curve. Miranda checked herself in the mirror and then headed downstairs to the dining room. Her heart beat faster when she saw James. He was wearing his classic Tux. “he looks handsome.” Miranda admitted to herself. “Wow, Miranda you look breathtaking.” James said. Miranda nodded “you look acceptable as well James, you weren’t kidding about dressing up to have dinner.” “No I wasn’t, and the food is here it’s from Smith and Wollensky’s the delivery guy had a hard time getting through with all the press camped outside.” James said. “I’m not surprised” Miranda replied. James pulled out a chair for her and Miranda sat down. He served the food and then sat down across from her at the table and they began to eat. “Earlier you said you liked country music.” James said and Miranda nodded. “All right, you mind if I guess who your favorite singer is then?” Miranda stopped herself from rolling her eyes and said “If you must, but I will be surprised if you guess correctly.” James smirked. “It’s true it would be easier if I had some albums to look at and I’m assuming they are put up somewhere where company can’t find them. Well it would have to be a female singer, am I on the right track so far?” Miranda nodded. “Reba McEntire” he said pointedly and Miranda composed herself so she didn’t look to surprised. “Yes, how did you figure that out so quickly?” she asked. “It was simple really. I know more about country music then you would think, and I know something of your personality and preferences. Reba is known as the Queen of Country Music she has been since she made it big in the early 80’s she helped to shape country music for women, at that time hardly anybody bought tickets to see women performers, she came out and connected with her audience and was the first female singer to out sell the boys in concert tickets. That alone right there does it Miranda, you are the Ice queen of the fashion industry, you relate to her in every way when it comes to success and having to deal with a world of men. Then there’s the fact that she really is a hell of a singer.” For the first time in the couple of days James had known Miranda he saw a real smile grace her face and it took his breath away. “I must say, that does impress me and of course you are quite right about us being the same in that way. Thank you for ordering dinner.” she said. “Oh my God did I just say thank you to him?” she thought. James cleared the table and pulled out Miranda’s chair for him. “You said you liked ABBA so now it’s my turn let me guess your favorite song is take a chance on me?” “How did you know that?” he asked surprised. “James, you’re a womanizer and you know you are always trying to seduce the next pretty young thing you work with, I know of your reputation, M made sure to tell me all about it. So why wouldn’t it be your favorite song when all you want the pretty young thing your working with to do is take a chance on your skills in bed?” James grinned and lead them up the stairs and Miranda was wondering what had possessed her to say such a thing and more over why the hell she was following him up the stairs?. James lead her back into the entertainment room and he walked over to the huge stereo in the corner. “After your little confession about liking country music I took the liberty of making a CD of a few songs hoping that even though you are far superior to me your highness you would allow me the pleasure of a dance. He pressed play and the music filled the room. He walked over to her and held out his hand. She rolled her eyes and accepted it and they started to move in time as Miranda recognized the song to be I can love you like that by John Michael Montgomery.

They read you Cinderella
You hoped it would come true
That one day your Prince Charming
Would come rescue you
You like romantic movies
You never will forget
The way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliet
All this time that you've been waiting
You don't have to wait no more

I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to me
If you give me a chance
I can love you like that

I never make a promise I don't intend to keep
So when I say forever, forever's what I mean
I'm no Casanova but I swear this much is true
I'll be holdin' nothin' back when it comes to you
You dream of love that's everlasting
Well baby open up your eyes

I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to me
If you give me a chance
I can love you like that

You want tenderness-I got tenderness
And I see through to the heart of you
If you want a man who understands
You don't have to look very far

I can love you
I can
I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to me
I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to me
I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl

They moved in time to the music and Miranda made sure they kept an appropriate distance apart. “How could he know this is one of my favorite songs?” she thought and dared to look into his blue eyes. When her icy blue eyes met his warm ones James had to hold back a gasp. “I want her, more than I ever wanted anyone else.” He thought. The song came to a close and he spun her and to her surprise gently dipped her. He brought her back up and she backed away from his arms. “That was lovely James.” She said her guard back up. “Do you want to watch a movie or play another game?” he asked. “No, maybe some other time, I have some work to do good night James.” she said and exited the room quickly. Miranda made her way quickly into her study and immediately threw herself into her work writing scathing comments in the book “ Stevie Wonder could have designed a better outfit.” She was just getting finished with the book at 1 a.m. when her phone rang and it showed a private number. “Hello” she said impatiently. “Now Miranda you might want to be a little nicer to me, after all I have the power to take your life from you.” the voice said. Miranda quickly got up and walked out into the hall and found James coming down the stairs and she motioned for him and put her phone on speaker. “Why are you doing this?” she asked coldly. “Because you deserve it you frigid bitch. I wonder if your always this frigid, maybe your not when it comes to the bedroom who knows though? I wonder if either of your ex husbands would be willing to supply that information.” Miranda hissed James balled his hands up into fists. “You can be sure I will find out before I kill you, and I will it will be when you least expect it, I will be watching you. I’m thinking of making it a performance, I’ll let that body guard of yours watch, as well as your twins, and then after I have my way with you I’m going to make you watch me have my way with your twins and then I will kill them in front of you. Then I will kill you, and your so called bodyguard.” the voice said in a casual tone. “If you harm my girls I..” Miranda started off in rage but was cut off. “Good night Miranda, James sweet dreams my dear.” The line went dead and Miranda shook in fear and rage. “James threatening me is one thing, but my girls.” she said quietly and trailed off. “Listen it’s after 1 in the morning, your exhausted, I will inform the police and the next time he calls we will be able to try and trace the call. I will have security hired for your ex husband and your daughters immediately. I’m sure he is just using them to get to you and get you scared. While I take care of everything I want you to go upstairs and get ready for bed and I will knock on your door and announce when I have finished everything.” he said gently. Miranda was so frightened and mad that she just nodded her head and did as she was told. James called the police and explained the situation and they tapped her cell phone and her home phone and the finest security was immediately sent to her family.

Miranda had just finished getting ready for bed when she heard a knock at her door. “Come in” she said before he could give her the information through the door. James covered up his surprise and walked in and found her sitting on a window seat across the room. “Everything is set your phones are now being tapped so they will be able to trace the calls with no problem and the security for your daughters should be at your ex husband’s about now.” “thank you, James” she said quietly. James looked at her and his heart went out to her, she looked incredibly vulnerable. “I want you to know that I will do everything I know to do to keep you and your girls safe, I would never forgive myself if I let something happen to you.” James realized what he said and realized it was more true than he had realized before. Miranda nodded her head and stood up beside James. “He better not lay a hand on my girls, I wouldn’t give damn what he does to me as long as no harm comes to my babies, they are all I have.” she said “Don’t you ever say that, nothing will happen to you and especially not to your girls Miranda.” James said and reached out to caress her cheek before he had the chance to realize he had done it. Miranda’s eyes grew wide but she did not pull away. James got lost in those icy blue eyes and leant down to kiss her. Their lips met briefly and Miranda pushed him away quickly. “That’s all” she said pushing him away. James headed towards the door. “Get some rest your highness, not that you need anymore beauty sleep.” he said and walked out the door before he had the chance to see Miranda smile briefly.

James climbed into his bed down the hall and turned out his light. Within 5 minutes he was asleep.

~*~ James awoke to find Miranda standing at the foot of the bed. “Miranda what are you doing in here?” “Must you really ask a question when you already know the answer to it?’ she said and climbed on the bed and moved up and straddled him. She leaned down and kissed him, running her tongue over his lower lip. He tangled his fingers in her hair and she ran her hands up and down his bare chest. “Miranda I meant what I said, I could never forgive myself if something happened to you I..” he was cut off by Miranda kissing him again. “I know, but we can talk later, I want you James.” she purred and moved her mouth down his chest…~*~

James woke up sweating “Damn just when I was getting to the good part” he chuckled. Then he realized “I’ve never dreamt about having sex with the woman I was interested in before, I’ve fantasized about it, but never dreamt about it. Bloody hell I’ve known her for just two days and already I’ve….” he shook his head. “No there is no way you are going to start thinking like that, but I do know I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want her.” he said to himself. He heard a noise in the hall and got out of bed and barely opened his door. He watched as Miranda once again let Patricia in her room. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 3 a.m. “Well there is no way I’m going back to sleep without a cold shower.” he thought and headed for the bathroom.

Miranda patted the bed for Patricia to lay down next to her once again. “Good girl Patricia.” she said. She stroked her head and then buried her face in her fur. “Patricia promise me that if you see James making a pass at me you will bite him.” she said and then caught herself. “Good Lord I am shaken up not only am I letting you sleep with me but I’m talking to you and trying to get you to make promises with me.” she sighed and then hoped that sleep would claim her. She tossed and turned for hours her mind unable to rest. Finally when 6 am came around she finally fell into a fitful sleep full of images of her children, Runway, the car explosion, the voice she had heard on the phone, the threats, and a pair of warm blue eyes telling her they would protect her…….TBC


merl streep, miranda priestly, pierce brosnan, 007, the devil wears prada, james bond, peryl

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