of supernatural, dollhouse, robin hood and He's Just not That into You

Mar 30, 2009 19:52

So, I've had a busy weekend. I went out with my girlfriends to watch a VERY girly movie. Although, it's not that girly, I've seen worst!!

WARNING: Possible Spoilers ahead!

I loved He's Just not That into You.

I recommend it to EVERYONE in my F-List!!! Of course, it's much better if you go with your girlfriends, 'cause... well, I saw many girls go with their boyfriends... but there's really no point, now, is there? 'Cause he's not going to laugh at what goes on in the movie for the same reasons you do!!

Anyway, I loved Ben Affleck's character (boy, do we share the same views on marriage or what??!). I loved the couple's whole story really.

And Gigi. GIGI!!!! My friends and me were like: "No Gigi, don't do that!", "NO!! Gigi, just back away from the man!", "Run, Gigi. RUN!!" LOL, Ginnifer Goodwin's very funny, and the guy, Alex, played by Justin Long... I'm not used to seeing him as a player. He'll always be one of my favorite Geeks. But he was very funny too, specially at the end, when he starts checking his cell for signal!! LOL!! Sucker!

I hate Scarlett Johansen and the whole story revolving around her. I loved Drew Barrymore. I loved Kevin Connolly.

I watched Supernatural... and I liked it.

At first I thought it was some sort of dream, but then I figure it was some sort of Parallel Universe.

I liked it simply because of the End with Zacharia and because... yes, THEY USED GHOSTFACERS AGAIN!!!!! WOOOOOO!!

I have a few things to say:

one. Jensen looked freaking hot in those suits, specially the first one with the red tie.
two. WTH with the Healthy life???? DEAN!!! Come on!!! Beer, dude, that's like... essential!
three. I work in a call center so when Sammy said: "I feel like I should be doing more than sitting in a box all day"... *sigh* I felt totally portrayed there. And... what an awesome idea to smash your phone just before you quit!!! Dude, I'm so filing this one for when my turn comes!
four. I love Zacharia.

Now, I realized that I didn't comment anything on the previous episode so... here, som thoughts as well:

one. I knew Uriel was a piece of shit.
two. I can't help thinking Anna may have been involved with Uriel. I know it's too predictable because she shows up just as Uriel turns the... tap, is it? Well, turns the tap on, and I really, really like Anna... but I don't know.
three. Sam... you suck! You suck demon blood, eeeewwwwwwwwww! That was sooo wrong in soooooooo many levels. Honestly.
four. I still don't trust Ruby.
five. I loved the shots with the dead angels. They look awesome.
six. I love Castiel.
seven. But he can't fight. Those fight scenes sucked!!!
eight. Can you guys stop making Dean cry, please??? It breaks my heart!
nine. Dean, don't be such a pussy!! Buffy saved the world... a lot!!!
ten. I'm just kidding, Dean. Please, don't cry, funny rabbit!

I also watched Dollhouse and I loved it.

Now I understand why Caroline ended up as a Doll. And... Ok, just farfetched, BUT! I think Alpha... may be Caroline's boyfriend!!! That's why when Alpha flipped, she was the only one unharmed, and why he's helping Paul find out about Dollhouse. He's crazy but he still loves her.

I'm not sure now if Adelle is this mole we found out about last episode. Although, Adelle did spent two years trying to find Caroline, and some speculations say she wanted her because she knew she was the one who would help this group that is against the Dollhouse to bring the whole institution down.

Nooooo! Mellie left!!! I understand why she would leave, I mean, she did almost die (not that she remembers going all Beatrix Kido on the attacker), so I get it... but... poor Paul!!!!

I think that the theories that Mellie is not an imprint but her actual personality may be right. I mean, when the drug starts affecting her, she remembers Paul and her insecurities, While the rest... hold on. 'Cause Victor remembers about being a soldier, which I assume was his old life, and Echo remembers Caroline, but Sierra remembers about her handler abusing her... so... Shoot, there goes my whole theory. I guess Mellie is just an imprint.

And I also watched BBC's Robin Hood, episode 1 of Serie 3

It was ok, I think. I mean, it was rather predictable. It was obvious Robin would want revenge, and it was obvious he wasn't going to kill Gisbourn (spelling??).


one. Will Scarlet will never return... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!! wankers
two. There's going to be a new girl, and although she appears to be the new Djaq/Marian, I think she's going to be Allan's love interest. I hope so. 'Cause the boy needs some love.
three. Robin is starting to get rather annoying, me thinks. He's too... emo. I don't know. I'll have to wait for the rest of the episodes.
four. I read somewhere Gisbourn has a sister. A pretty brunette. Could that be Robin's love interest?

And that's enough recapping. Oh, also, I'm sick. :D


movies, supernatural, robin hood, dollhouse

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