Dear F-List,
I was just watching an Argentine TV Show called CQC (Caiga Quien Caiga, aka "No Matter What"). It's a News-like show, where the reporters interview politicians, actors, etc and ask them exactly what they don't want to be asked. The interesting thing about the show, or at least what's interesting to me, is that the reporters are always so quick, so ready to whatever the interviewed answers, 'cause they always answer back, specially to politicians, exactly what people are thinking but don't dare ask, always with a hint of irony and dark humor.
The show's format was sold to Chile and Spain so far, though I'm not sure if there's another one. Point is: Tonight they announced they sold the format to the US and guess who's going to be one of the hosts?? Dominic Monaghan
I'm not a Lost fan, but I've always like Dominic... Hellooo?? Merry?? Anyway, he was soooo cute with Clemente (one of the reporters), when they talked about San Lorenzo, because, yes, he was wearing the soccer team's T-shirt, courtesy of Mr Viggo (such a San Lorenzo freak!). Clemente challenged Dom to a game of Win11, and Clemente won LOL!
They filmed the pilot here... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS!! I hope I'll be able to catch it somewhere, if it's picked up.
For more info:
The Hollywood Reporter A little taste of what CQC is like:
Click to view
This is the 2008 presentation. They used to be much better and MUCH longer, but *shrugs*
:( This is, apparently, the last year the show will air. :D They make fun of the "cacerolazos" and former President De la Rua.
Anyway, if the shows gets picked up, you guys should DEFINETELY give it a chance. If you like Jon Stewart, you're gonna like this.