of spunk ransom

Jun 04, 2008 09:08

Ok, I get that the Twilight Fandom is rather young, and by that I mean most of the fans are young but it is one thing to laugh at Rob's joke, make funny icons that say: "Ransom. Spunk Ransom". Or "Spunk is dazzling me". And another very different thing is to actually take Rob's jokes seriously and go around saying: "My friend just showed me an old video where she met Spunk!" and actually start calling him "Spunk Ransom".



It's funny, I know. I laugh every single time I read it, but I don't think it's a cute nickname like RPattz... and I don't even think he thinks it, judging by his non-comments on the MTV Movie Awards... although I laughed when Kristin say: "Way to go". LOL!

On another subject, I've seen some reports on the Jensen movie My Bloody Valentine. And I can't help wonder: Why am I not excited? At all??

I don't know, I think it may be because I'm not a big fan of scary movies. They tend to suck, you know? And as amazing actor as Jensen is, Devour is and always will be a crappy scary movie. Why isn't he doing good dramas, or good comedies? I would even take a romantic comedy where he ends up with the girl at the end. But scary movie?... just not my cup of tea.

Speaking of Romantic Comedies, I saw the trailer for Man of Honor with Dr McDreamy. Is it just me or is it My BestFriend's Wedding just the other way around?? I love Patrick ever since Can't buy me Love (wasn't he the cutest?) but I don't think this one is going to work. Not like Enchanted (incredible movie, by the way).

On the movie front I've seen a couple of movies lately. I went to the theater to see "Indiana Jones", and boy, oh boy, I missed Indy! I've heard some people say it was too... well, too much.
What with the aliens and the final scene of the twirling space ship. But I ask: is the problem the aliens or that it's too fantastic? Because, If my memory is right Indy has face many supernatural shit. All three previous movies were pretty fantastic. And I actually liked the whole alien ark. Very Spielberg.

Let me think what else I watched... OH! I watched Wristcutters. A Love Story with Shannyn Sossamon and Patrick Fugit. Very sweet and lovely story, even if the story is about people who committed suicide.

Patrick is too cute.

Oh!! I heard that Toby Mcguire may not be Spidey anymore and Patrick is one of the options to put on the Spiderman's suit for the next movies.

Meh, I'm not a big Spidey fan so... *shrugs*

I'm bored... I might be back with more about nothing later.


twilight, movies, jensen ackles

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