Hi all Lisa lovers here!!
Today in an Italian Magazine we found this short article about Lisa and a possible new friend.
As Italian paparazzi are famous for being sort of liars, I post the article here so maybe you can help me to discover if this is true or not! What about Petri, the Yoga man??
(this is the best I can do. Sorry for my English):
In the great series House MD (on air every Wednesday on Canale5) Lisa Edelstein is Lisa Cuddy the hospital administrator who's in love with the jerk Dr. House as all the other girls in the show. But when she comes out of the Studios, the actress finds waiting for her an handsome, free and wild guy (picture) whose name - according with rumors - is Christian. He could be her new boyfriend after a 3 years long relashionship with another guy.
Italian fans can find the article on TELEPIU Magazine of this week.