May 31, 2005 00:39
Woohoo! Just finished watching Return of the Jedi. I have to say that overall, I don't mind the modifications to this one, but I really think that the singers in Jabba's Palace and the stupid new age tribal JubbJubb song are a little too much. I do really like that Hayden Christensen or whatever the kid's name is, is shown at the end with the other Jedi instead of the random old guy. To me it makes more sense to have Anakin appear as he was when he fell when he is redeemed. I don't think I had anticipated the impact of the new episodes on my enjoyment of the old ones. The first two left me cold, but that last one really made me think. Now, watching the old ones, I feel a lot more for Vader than pure awe. Cool stuff. Yay Star Wars.
Today has been good. 50% off yarn. Food. Sunshine. I sat down by the pool for a little over 3 hours today. So very nice. Only slightly toasty. Met an interesting guy named Scott. That's about it.
I'm going to Nashville tomorrow to take a load of my random stuff home. I may also go to Indiana next week. I don't think I'll ever see Jon again. I saw him one day after I got back from Germany, and then he was off doing back packing and not wanting to hang out with me. Whatever, I'll be back in town eventually. Maybe he'll care. :-)
I also never realized how amazingly cute Luke Skywalker is. I think the attraction is his youth. I don't find the actor particularly good looking nowadays. Plus, Jedi powers are flat sexy, there's no denying that.
Yay for cool, non-CG light saber battles!