for far too long periods of time. Sorry... I've just, dunno, been feeling kinda uncommunicative (if that is even a word). Has not just struck my journal, but also letters and emails to friends, even the phone has been more dreaded than ever before. However, I will attempt betterment. I shan't make any promises because I probably won't keep them, but maybe once in a while I will post.
I am back in my native Denmark now, the Great Scottish Adventure is at an end (at least so far). I am now holder of the degree Master of Chemistry With Industrial Experience, which I managed to get with First Class Honours (that's an A ;-)). So I rule ;-)
Although I also got my first ever B in an exam (sigh). I have gotten a C before, due to a massive screw-up in my first ever university exam, during which I managed to amply demonstrate my genius by writing on the wrong piece of paper and then having to spend half the exam transferring stuff to the right piece of paper.
This time it was my last ever exam, which was the last in a row of three exams in as many days, and my brain was just mush. So there.
It was Chemical Biology, and I am pretty sure I did very well on the part of that exam that had to do with Gene Manipulation (us evil overladies-to-be must know that sort of stuff), but the last three quarters were... mush ;-)
But an overall A was achieved, and I am now back to more familiar pastures - living at home for 5 months or so before I embark on a phd in... oooohhh, genes! Or at least nucleic acids which makes up genes / are made up of genes depending on how you look at it.
It shall be good and soon I will rule the world have the tools to rule the world get me a cushy job, maybe.
Right now I am incapacitated by a rude & obnoxious cough that has so far kept me from going back to the middle ages as I would like to do
here . Hmm, well, I am hoping to go on saturday and hopefully not slay everyone with my vile plague. I am on penicillin and all, but judging by how I am not getting better, i reckon it is probably a virus, not bacteria, and thus not in the least affected by penicillin.
Ah well, I shall have to take all my pills anyway, cause the other way lies resistant bacteria and possibly madness.
I hope you all are well in the great www.
Oh, and other news: I have been put on Linux and am happily surviving the experience. Yay.
Next will be a pretty, precious
Mac when I actually start to earn money. And then a
Morgan sportscar when I earn lots of money. And possibly a driving license at some point, too :-D