May 20, 2005 23:17
Poor Thomas. Today in History class, his girlfriend, Tiphaine, stuck a note on the door that said: "Je t'aime Thomas! -Ton ange", which basically means "I love you Thomas! -Signed, Your angel" The teacher found it and read it aloud and we were all like, "Awww!" while Thomas was putting his coat over his head. 'Twas funny. xD
Anyways. Helene, Alia, Elise, Maria, Arnaud, and me went to see the musical our school has been preparing (our music teacher wrote the music and one of our English teachers wrote the lyrics) called "French Toast". It's the story of the life of starts in heaven. A good idea from the start, but it could have been much, much better. For one thing, some of the singers weren't that good. But the girl who played Sara Bernard was awesome, the best in the musical if you ask me. :)
You all have a good day/night. <3
P.S.: I'm at Helene's house. Just thought you might all want to know. Actually, she just asked me to say tha
P.S.2: So not true.. amani wrote tghat all by herself, and she accuses me! but she forgot to mention HELENE (or wtv my name is in her world, ellen or something) was the bets in the woooooorrrrrrllllldddd... ok bye
P.S.3 (seems I have a thing with PS's in the last two entries): That was Helene, the great, awesome, lovely Helene (she seems to have a bit of an ego problem, though). Helene starts typing here ---> And she did ask me... nooo sooo not truuue liar!!! <--- That was Helene.
Anyways. I'm not sure anymore.
Bye! <3