Jan 24, 2005 10:20
January 24, 2005
Today's Taurus Horoscope
April 20 - May 20
You'll absolutely be impossible to stop when it comes to spoiling someone you love. Yes, that's always the case with you, but today's astrological agenda will prompt you to go even further overboard than you usually do. That means nothing is too good, too rich or too expensive for your sweetie. Lucky them. Expect a surprised, delighted smile, and a very, very nice show of gratitude. Later on, that is ....
If your mood bounces between an urge to socialize and an urge to have a long, private discussion with your lover, don't try to choose -- just make time for both.
Find a perfect match...
Complaining won't get you anywhere. Turn on the charm if you really want to get your way. Few things are more convincing than a sincere, heartfelt smile.