Music Meme
Tagged from lj user
aren_chan 1) What instruments do you play?
Violin, Guitar, Piano, Bass, drums, voice XD
2) How long have you been playing?
7 years on the violin
4-5 years on guitar
All my life on piano, but never cared enough to learn a difficult piece.
Bass, it's easy to play, if you want me to be honest, lol.
Drums, also somewhat easy to play. You just need to know what to hit, and create a certain beat while, or before you
decide to hit the drums.
I've sung for all my life lol
3) Can you play piano?
If I would take the time to sit and try to play a piece, by reading it off sheet music. No.
I can only learn by ear.
However, I'm more into hand held/string instruments, rather then to sit an play.
I love the sound of piano. However, I'm currently trying to learn so much from the instruments
I concentrate on most, than to give some time to the Piano right not.
And I also have a multi-tasking issue with the piano. My fingers can't move at the same time, or they play the same
thing each.
4) Most respected player?
I don't have none. I'm inspired by a lot of MUSIC. Not artists. Sure I love bands, such as Coldplay, or Dir en Grey, that inspire me, and change the tone of the music I play. But I can never choose one amongst the thousands.
5) Is there an instrument you would like to learn?
ALL OF THEM! I want to profession all instruments!
6) What is your vocal range?
Well, I'm not professional, but I have been hand picked to become my schools vocalist. Although I'm sure there are a few at my school who can sing too.
As a kid I wasn't able to sing as well as I do now, because I wasn't very passionate about it. Now a days, as I sing, I become way into what my voice is trying to pitch, and I get into the music. I kinda put my heart into my voice now.
7) How well do you play your instrument?
Fairly well. The ones I can play the most are Violin, Guitar, and my voice.
8) How often do you practice?
I haven't on violin for more than a month, so I'm pretty rusty now. On guitar, I play every night. And I sing every now and then, whenever I'm in the mood, unfortunately, it's been scarce, and that could do bad things to my vocal ranges.
I hardly practice on Bass or Drums because we no longer own them. I did when I was younger. But now, that we live in the KY, where it's quiet, I only get to practice when I go to a friends house. (Markos owns the drums, Sukoto owns the bass)
9) Do you compose?
When I'm inspired, which is hardly ever. The only time I do compose is when I have to. And that's when the band comes up with new music, and they demand me to write some, because as the vocalist, I can't just stand up there and hum some retarded tune XD! When it comes to composing music with instruments on my own, not really.
Because I usually like to play instruments in a group (such as orchestra), or with the others (band), or by myself, or via video. I can never play something in a room alone with someone else, because they just sit there and watch. They would also have to be playing something or volunteering some how in order to watch me play XD!
10) What gear do you have?
2 violins, both are in cases, one is older than my grandmum and sounds amazing.
1 black guitar :D! I sold the case and amp though, for more money. I might be getting a new guitar soon though, so I'll get a new amp and case. But I'm not going to make my parents pay for it D:
So after I save up money for the upcoming trips, I'll buy it.
A keyboard tucked away in the laundry room in it's case. I'm too lazy to take it down from the high shelf *yes, I'm short. And I love it :D, I really do*.
Bows, rosin, wax, polishing oils, picks, strings,
Ebow (i'm pretty sure you guys don't know what that is, so I gave the link), audio ACID studio mix.
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