Yesterday was a very
odd day.
It started off with a very very very heated arguement with my mum and Axel. It was... pretty bad... Pretty pretty bad.
And I was also thinking about going to the mall or not cause I wanted to pierce my cardlage. I guess I'll do it tomorrow.
I went in the end to leave my fucked up house and go enjoy the mall with Kai, Miku, Shou, Saga, Miku's boyfriend, Wess, John, and Jessica. Like always, the grouping awlays fucking strays. (which i'm pissed and will rant about later).
So, in the end, Shou and Saga go to HT, Miku and her boyfriend to the game store along with me Kai (everyone except Shou and Saga), and stay there was someone in HT I wanted to avoid.
We then went to HT, or Kai checked if ther person was still there. They weren't, but neither were Shou and Saga. Thus the fucking hunt began. I said that they might be at Claire's, and I was right.
We got there, easily spotted by the matching hoodies, but never, like fucking always, stayed together.
We're there, FUCKING WALKING ALL OVER THE GOD DAMN MALL LOOKING FOR THESE PEOPLE, ONLY, to have them avoid the group further.
They go to F.Y.E, I over heard, I know I wasn't invited, but seriously, if you invite me to the mall, or Kai, and decide that "oh, we don't wanna stay in a group anymore", you better be fucking thinking twice mother fucker.
So I announce that we're going to F.Y.E, they didn't look pleased, I didn't give a fuck.
Along the way, we met (chealsea?) one of Kai's school orchestra friends. She was with a group of people. I've seen the girl, sat next to her the day I visted Ballard, but she never talked. Later in the day she said the reason was because she felt "intimidated" around me cause i was quiet. I can kinda see that, but I don't think i'm intimidating cause of my silence, but because of my facial expression and style.
We further stray from the group as Shou and Saga practically fly to F.Y.E, were talking to a random group of girls. This tall, really cool chick named Savanna (not the one with the buzzed hair, new Sav), and Chealsea decide to hang out with us, and part from their group that voyages to HT for new boots.
We walked to F.Y.E, and I figured that the two would be at the anime section. And direct hit, I found them.
The others followed. But hey, as if we didn't exist, let's fucking further stray.
After getting a Japanese soda, walking down the mall again to look for the others, WALKING TO SEARCH FOR THE FUCKERS WHO DECIDE TO STRAY LIKE WE DIDN'T GET INVITED BY THEM, I stop for a soda from this cool machine. Excited, Wes gets a drink and so do Kai, because it looked cool and 'futuristic'.
We got to HT after a few stops, still looking, then finding it useless cause they weren't there. Wes, Sav and Chels in the meantime went to the food court to eat. I went to HT with Kai and John.
We then, bored, went back to the food court, were I found the REST. Who were sitting at another table as if the others were fucking venemous (suck cock seriously).
I went to HT, kinda pissed, kinda bored. Got a pair of Shutter glasses (cause a screw on my Dior's loosened), and came back. Then left again cause Kai went looking for me, and I didn't wanna be RUDE and leave her like that. I kinda left, looking for the others to see Jessica run in.
Apparently she went to tell Kai that they (Miku, her BF, Shou, Saga, and her) were going to Oxmoor, and we wouldn't be able to go cause the CAR WAS FUUUUUUUULLLLLLL.
So, me and the ones remaining sat down and thought about what to do. In the end we said fuck the others and decided to go to Sav's place, which was fucking amazing, even if I just met the girl.
I won't go into much detail about what it is, other than fucking crazy and amazing. People go dressed up as the characters, men as transies, girls as whores, randoms as flashers (but they had boxers or speedos). It was so fun.
There we met Sav's other friends, which included Dustin (lol, wtf right?). It's a small world after all.
We grouped up with 4 more people, so 7 in total running around waiting for midnight, running around bardstown at night (which was amazing).
RHPS is a cult film. I'd suggest you go
here or look videos in Youtube about it. We danced, sang, yelled at the movie, insulted, ran around during the movie. It was so fucking cool.
Kai was a virgin, lol, which is RHPS virgin, first timer there. There were a couple, like always.
After that, we left at around 2:30am, I went home, showered, proved to my mum I wasn't drunk, and went to bed. AWESOME NIGHT.
Honestly, who the fuck do you think we are? You invited Kai, then decide to fuck the idea and leave us? WHAT?!! Is it because you think we hate you cause of your little fucking SCARY AS HELL Alice Nine fan girl obsession? WE COULD CARE LESS!!! So if you thought we didn't really enjoy your company at first, YOU WERE WRONG.
I know I told Kai getting mad was stupid, cause it won't help. But now I realize these fuckers really just want to avoid us. If you've got a fucking problem, even if your scared, then just fucking say it.
If you think we hate you guys, then don't hide it, ask us, cause then you'll make us hate you fucking PUSSIES!!!
-fucking end-