Untitled [Prince of Tennis, Sanada/Yanagi]

Dec 29, 2010 03:06

title: [untitled]
characters: Sanada, Yanagi
wordcount: 2,165
notes: For the prompt Rikkai Regulars (any/multiple pairings, Sanada/Yanagi) - late night (flirty) texts from emothy. What was meant to be flirty texting ended up being more like sex-texting. And a study in Yanagi.


Yanagi stares at his phone, rather than the textbooks on his desk. He's done his homework already and they're only out so he can review for a test the following day; it's not something he actually needs to do, it's just habit and one that doesn't compel him at the moment.

It's late; outside, the moon is high overhead and the hours are dipping closer to dawn than dusk, but that doesn't stop Yanagi from reaching for his phone and sliding it open. Once the decision is made, it's easy for him to go with it: no changes, no second thoughts. His years on the tennis courts and analyzing data has taught him not to doubt, but to act, and that's what he does, his fingers moving over the miniature keyboard with ease.

I'm touching myself, thinking about you.

The reply comes back swiftly, as though the text had been anticipated and it makes Yanagi grin briefly.

We have a test 2morrow Renji.

Play along, Genichirou. It'll help you relax.

Yanagi shifts in his chair, leaning back and stretching his legs out. He's not really touching himself, or even very hard, but the thought of actually getting Sanada to go along - and what that'll mean - stirs him a little and the front of his pajamas tents just a little.

What r u thinkin abt?

The smile that runs a cross Yanagi's lips this time is more aroused rather than amused and he slips his hand into his pajamas, touching himself lightly as he replies. It's easy to text a reply with one hand nowadays; he's gotten practice at it.

How your mouth feels around my cock, wet and hot and moist, he replies to Sanada, remembering the way the blowjob felt the other day. He doesn't even need to close his eyes and search for the memory; it's easy to recall, how Sanada's mouth felt around him, how his cheeks looked, how Sanada's fingers wrapping around the base of his cock felt, preventing him from reaching his orgasm too quickly. I'm feeling your tongue licking the tip.

It's amazing how quickly he goes from slightly aroused to hard enough that his cock is aching and the light, teasing touches of his fingers over the shaft are nowhere near enough to satisfy.

It takes Sanada few minutes to reply and Yanagi is slightly glad of that; it gives him time to move from his desk to his bed, stripping off his pajamas and stretching out, his hand around his cock.

I'll swallow u, Sanada's text begins, and suc hard. Can't cum yet tho, so i won't do it 2 hard.

One thing Yanagi's realized about Sanada is that he likes to prolong the pleasure, likes to tease, and likes to see his partner panting and moaning and begging. The first time Yanagi encountered that, he was quite surprised - he never suspected Sanada to be domineering in bed, or so dedicated to seeing his partner get his pleasure first.

Yanagi tightens his hand around his cock, stroking slowly as he fumbles with his phone and types out a reply.

I'll tangle my fingers in your hair, pulling you closer and thrusting into your mouth. The last time Yanagi tried that, he hadn't been able to, Sanada pining him and keeping him still, which was just as much of a torment as being unable to come thanks to the impromptu cock ring. But it was easy to remember, the feeling of Sanada's fingers digging into his hips, hot mouth still on his cock - the buzz of his phone vibrating pulled Yanagi from his reverie and he glanced at the text message, immediately alert. He liked the feeling of Sanada's mouth around him, but even more than that he liked it when Sanada took the initiative. Especially if it meant he could return the pleasure.

Not 4 long. I'll pull u over to a bench & move so my cock is above ur face.

I'll swallow your cock, taking in as much as possible and sucking hard and play with your balls with my free hand.

After that I'll wrap my hand arnd ur base to keep u frm cumming as I suck on u.

Yanagi swallows and hastens his stroke; he's a teenage boy, between masturbating and the sexual text messages, he's already on the verge of coming, but he wants to prolong this as much as possible. He can almost see why Sanada insists upon preventing that from happening right away.

I'll suck on the head and stroke your shaft. Are you touching yourself right now?

Yes. Thinking abt the other day. The simple message tells Yanagi everything he needs to know and just knowing that Sanada was doing the same thinghe was sent Yanagi over the edge, his balls tightening as he came all over his hand. The sensation swept through him, distracting him enough that he almost didn't catch the second text message.

Can't last much longer. Would stop holding u back & start sucking harder & stroke u to get u to cum.

He put the phone down for a second, reaching over for a tissue to clean up with before he could focus on replying. I'll cum hard if you do that, moaning around your cock as I did so. He knows Sanada will reply and he knows that Sanada will understand if he doesn't reply; whatever awareness he had before masturbating is leaving him and it's not long before he starts to drift off. Dimly, he's aware of the phone buzzing, but he's too comfortable to move and after a brief struggle with the blankets, Yanagi is out.


They have no classes together, Yanagi, Sanada, and Yukimura. The only person from the tennis team in his class is Yagyuu and Niou is, surprisingly, in Sanada's class. Yukimura shares a class with no one. They all have the same math teacher, however, and said teacher has a preference for giving tests on the same day. Yanagi is well aware that Sanada has a math exam, and is almost certain Yukimura does as well, although he never got a chance to ask. But for the moment, neither he nor Sanada are dealing with their math teacher. In fact, Yanagi is listening to his homeroom teacher drone on about literature, something the man managed to make intensely dull. His phone was tucked under his books, barely visible to anyone but Yanagi.

As of yet, he and Sanada hadn't sent each other any texts during the day, unless it was to make plans to meet for lunch or tennis information - actually, it was Yukimura who sent the most text messages to them during the day, plans for impromptu tennis practice or thoughts on various ideas for those practices. It's surprising when a day passes and there are no texts from Yukimura, actually.

His phone has been silent, however, and Yanagi puts it down to the fact that Yukimura has math at the moment - he makes a mental note to ask later if there was a test. If Yanagi remembers correctly - and he does - the lessons Sanada is currently in is English. A lesson easily picked up on, so Yanagi wouldn't think anything of disrupting it.

But it isn't late, they're both in public, and there would be no hiding behind anything else, like they do with the moments in the locker rooms. Things are different in the day, when people are observing them and everything seems so much more black and white.

Besides, Niou is in Sanada's class. Any text message sent to Sanada during the day would likely end up in his hands and that's one thing Yanagi doesn't really want.

So he forgets about his phone, settling back in his desk and turning his attention to the teacher. Just in time actually, because he's being called on to read something from the book.


Ur hand is down my pants, stroking and im sliding my hands in your pants.

There are two essays waiting for him to finish and notes from the practice matches earlier to record and analyze. Kirihara's games were improving, the year of being a captain all on his own sharpening and maturing him in ways none of them were able to and Yanagi wants to see if there is anything substantial he can find. Not to mention the way he feels himself - Yukimura had been a demon earlier, driving them until they were all exhausted and he's still feeling sluggish from that. Then of course, there was speculation on and research about why Yukimura had driven them so harshly. There are a dozen more things Yanagi can think of doing, from the important to the mundane.

None of them matter when he gets Sanada's text.

I push your pants down in order to stroke you better and help you push my pants down so we can rub against each other.

It's late, like always, but not quite as late this time; Yanagi still has some time to go before his usual bedtime and he knows that once he plays along with the texts and actually masturbates, there will be no more thought for him, no more time to think. It's always relaxing - enough to put him to sleep.

None of that stops him though and he hits "send" without regretting his decision.

we grind against each other, cocks rubbin, me pressin u up against lockers

Yanagi can picture it all too well; Sanada rubbing against him, their cocks grinding against each other, rough and frantic and both of them trying to be silent. They haven't done anything like that yet, but Yanagi gives it a few weeks before they do. It's odd what they have done: quick, quiet hand jobs quickly became blowjobs, simple blowjobs turned into an exercise in their flexibility and balance as they attempted to 69 while on a bench.

I wrap my hand around our cocks, holding them together as we're rubbing.

Sometimes Yanagi wonders what Sanada is doing when they're exchanging these text messages. Is he lying down, buried under the blankets and stroking himself? Or not even touching his cock at all? Or on top of his blankets, exposed to the air and teasing his cock?

Thinking about it makes Yanagi harder than he was and he pushes away from his desk. He doesn't bother to crawl into bed, not right away, but he does struggle out of his pajamas, trying not to touch his cock too much until he can actually wrap a hand around it. It's almost painful when he does, but the stroking relieves some of the pressure building.

He wonders if he should worry about how long it takes him to come, or rather how long it doesn't take. There's a reason why Sanada likes impromptu cock rings and things; but then, Sanada is as bad as he is and Yanagi is sure some of the other team members are quick about it, judging from the sounds he's heard in the showers. Everyone does it; it's just that everyone pretends not to pay attention.

Have to hurry, so I'd wrap my hand arnd 2 strokin us both so we can cum 2gether

Those words carry the implication of morning practices, or lunch time, or something like that, at a point when they could possibly get caught by someone - and that is thrilling, in a way Yanagi never thought about before. He makes a mental note to file that away and study it later, but for now he's too busy working on a specific goal and trying to text and it's taking all of his energy and concentration to do both.

He comes over his hand as he's trying to reply and that distracts him for a moment, shaking him to the core and leaving him lacking any mobility for what feels like an eternity.

I cum over our hands, calling your name and squeezing my hand around you.

Yanagi gets up to clean off, discarding his phone on his bed for the moment. It only takes a couple of minutes and he's struggling back into his pajama bottoms. The light over his desk is still on, the books all laid out for him to read, but there is nothing appealing about them - the books, the homework, everything can wait until the next day. Its simple work to flick off the light and crawl into bed, placing his phone on the nightstand. There's no reply from Sanada, so he can only guess he got what he was looking for, too.

It rarely takes long for Yanagi to fall asleep; his body is too well-adjusted (and often too tired) for insomnia to strike him and that night is no exception to the rule. He's out within minutes of his head hitting the pillow, only to wake up in the morning with his hand around his cock, Sanada's name on his lips and Yukimura's body on his mind.

character: yanagi, fandom: tenipuri: rikkai, character: sanada, fandom: tenipuri

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