Prompt: There are traces of blood in a fairy tale.
Just a conversation.Originally posted
"Oh dear." Fuji stares at the drop of blood that's splashed to the carpet and smiles. "Clumsy fingers."
Tezuka grabs a tissue from the table and passes it to Fuji, who makes a big deal of a pinprick on the side of his hip, daubbing at it with the tissue and pressing down, "to make sure it won't bleed anymore," he assures Tezuka. "I will be okay in a moment."
"I'll get you a bandage," Tezuka tells him and leaves the room, even though there are a number of people around who are there specifically to run around. But the room is pressing around him, Fuji's presence overwhelming, and a retreat is in order.
"I thought you were going to be busy this afternoon with Fuji," Yukimura says, the moment Tezuka walks into his office, and Tezuka wonders if he will ever be free - of Fuji, of Yukimura, of Atobe, of the position, of the clothes, of all of it.
There are times, he thinks, when he misses the ease that was life before Atobe walked into his shop.
But there are still the clothes, and Tezuka forces his eyes back to Yukimura, who is spinning lazily in the chair behind the desk.
"Fuji is bleeding," he tells Yukimura; it's almost tempting to toss a dozen words at Yukimura about Fuji, including 'your boyfriend' and 'dying' but Tezuka knows he would never: there is too much in him to say such things, ever.
"I'm sure he'll be fine," Yukimura says. "There is no ambulance, no one panicking." Yukimura stops spinning around, leans back in the chair to grin up at Tezuka. "You would not be strolling in here so calmly if he was in any real danger."
"I am looking for the first-aid kit," Tezuka continues, ignoring Yukimura and his words as best as he can.
"You know your office better than I do," Yukimura says. "Although I remember seeing it in one of the cabinets."
"I know where it is," Tezuka says. "Why are you here?"
"Renji scheduled nothing for me this afternoon, and with the two people I'd like to spend time with busy - with each other, nonetheless - it is quite boring."
Tezuka ignores him, for the moment, and fetches the first-aid kit from one of the cabinets in his office, the heavy weight of the kit helping to ground him.
"Go see Sanada," he tells Yukimura, and wants to continue, but doesn't; what he wants to add would be even worse than his earlier thoughts, and Tezuka has to wonder where the anger in his his welling from.
"Maybe-" Yukimura begins, but Tezuka doesn't stay to listen.