May 27, 2008 02:25
Well, Dominic's App is done and sent. According to Yukina's post he should be joining Anemone in a day or two. Yay? Although he's probably already in enough trouble for not being there i the first place. Oh well, she can kick him or something.
I really hate writing samples they always sound awkward to me and definitely not my best writing. :/ If I even use it in an entry thread it always gets edited so much: backspacing.
I kinda' wonder, do everyone's samples start to sound the same? I mean mine are always on the same subject. Arriving, wondering around, wondering about things/worrying about loved ones and ends with something someone can react to.
Except Haruhi she actually had a goal in mind in her's... I can't remember exactly what that was it was almost a year ago that I wrote it and I don't think I kept it.
Need sleep. 3 AM! why?
Still need to get some comments in for the AC
go to bed,
eureka 7