Odipus Complex!!!

May 09, 2008 19:06

I'm having waaaaay too much fun with this.

TRC 189 is so "OMG what the- Yay!" xD

So according to the spoilers everywhere, Real!Syaoran is CCS Shaoran and Sakura's son this makes an extremely amusing mess for Xiao Lang and Ying Fa (AU!Shaoran and Sakura at econtra_rpg)

So a while ago there was a Real!Syaoran there and he had a bit of a crush on Ying, Tomoyo didn't help by repeatedly telling him not to fall in love with her. One day while she was depressed because life sucks he kissed her! Which made her cry more and run to Xiao Lang who couldn't really make things better at the time but is way too possessive and jealous. So he did the next best thing, make a public declaration of ownership and went to beat up the bastard.
From that day on Xiao Lang hated Little Puppy and wouldn't call him by name. Before that they used to be okay friends.

Now with the latest TRC brain break Xiao Lang muse is all "akjfhui He's my son? Or will be or a version of- Whai~! ...wait this means that we- No. Wrong!" *head/desk*

And I always thought they'd have a girl for some reason...
But anyway right now Xiao Lang is against having kids. He has a list and the answer is "No." Ever since a few months ago when Ying was all "I want a baby." but never said anything about it to anyone but it was mentioned in a thread with Yuui.

But yes. Puppy has the Oedipus Complex. He wants to murder his father (Xiao Lang, that is if he doesn't kill him first) and marry his Mother (Ying Fa). xp

[EDIT @ 11:35]
Kazie Solo: And after reading that, I said, "I'm apping Puppy again."
Kazie Solo: xD
Kazie Solo: But he'll be taking him from right before they leave for Clow to save R!Sakura haha. xD
Kazie Solo: But I'm apping him after Kyon. xD
fangurl752: hahaha will he remember the last stay in Econtra?
Kazie Solo: I'm thinking of not. Haha. Because my thoughts right now are something like this.

Puppy: ...this isn't Clow.
Xiao Lang: You.
Puppy: *blinks* ...dad?

And also this.

Puppy: Stay away from her.
Cloud: ...huh.
Xiao Lang: I've been telling him that for the longest time.
Ying: B-But Cloud-kun isn't-
Puppy and Xiao Lang: *glares at Cloud*
Cloud: Are you two related?

But I'm not really sure yet. My brain's still in spazz mode. xD
fangurl752: Yeah, him recognizing Xiao Lang as his father would break his brain so bad. xD Plus he gets Haruhi randomly bugging him again~ and he won't get it. xD
Kazie Solo: And he won't get why his dad hates him. xD
Kazie Solo: Because he'll be nice and caring to Ying and Xiao Lang won't like that but he can't tell them he's their son in some alternate future or something. xD
fangurl752: Aww, why not?
Kazie Solo: It's more fun that way? xD
Kazie Solo: He could be all secretive and worried that he won't be born. xD
Kazie Solo: Puppy: ...my dad is such a messed-up person. ;__;
fangurl752: Hey not as not as messed up as Puppy! Falling for his mom... really! xD
Kazie Solo: I know xDDD
fangurl752: Oh! have you ever seen Back to the Future?
fangurl752: Same thing happens in reverse XD
Kazie Solo: Yes! xDDD
Kazie Solo: I was thinking of that too XDDDD
Kazie Solo: yes xDDD
fangurl752: And all the while Haruhi muse is all; mmm Incest~ >D
Kazie Solo: She's made of win, as always. >3
Kazie Solo: so after I app Kyon, I'm apping Puppy. yay brainbreak!
fangurl752: oh god, the brain break. xD
fangurl752: Father's Day! Puppy: ...couldn't resist.
Kazie Solo: OMG YES
Kazie Solo: that's going to be so <3
Kazie Solo: must have Puppy in the game by then xD
fangurl752: June something, so there's time. He might even get to see the wedding :o
Kazie Solo: SQUEE.
Kazie Solo: I like this development

trc, wtf, ccs, rp, brain break, oh yays

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