Mar 16, 2010 20:04

i decided to do my own log of this game since i've been counting down the days since last summer. for 90% of the gaming community the must have game was FFXIII but for me it was Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. which i finally got today!

i have never taken the bus to the vally mall before. so that was a little bit of an adventure in itself. it's a strange feeling of freedom a bus pass can bring, just knowing i can be anywhere in the city i want. so long as i know how to read the schedule and can allow 5 minutes plus or minus each way.

i got into gamestop and told the guy working there i had a perorder i wanted to pick up. he looked at my receipt with surprise. "Fragile Dreams...? hm" then he rung up the price and retrieved the game from the locked drawers behind the counter. i could hear him muttering something as he looked over the box. over all i'd say he'd never heard of it (big surprise) but was now interested. he had some trouble opening the cabinet to get the bonus cd (really pretty music btw) because he was paying more attention to the case than his keys. haha

i had forgotten to ask the driver where the stop back to the plaza was when i'd gotten off at the mall. i knew the bus came at 2 and the next one wouldn't be for another half hour. i wandered around the parking lot for about 15 min. until i found were i'd gotten off and i saw the other stop across the street. that makes perfect sense!

but the cross light wouldn't change and the bus was almost there. so i ran across four lanes of stopped traffic. the bus driver laughed at me for living so dangerously and told me to be careful. "i couldn't risk missing the bus." i told him and he laughed some more and said "i'm glad you made it."

the rest of my trip went as it always did. i will reiterate that i HATE having to carry my coat around. it's so cold at 6:30 but by 3 it's a comfortable 55F.

[vague spoilers start here]

so i got home and no one was here. perfect chase to turn on the wii. this is the first time i've taken Tatsunoko V. Capcom out since getting it. haha.

starting up the game i just let it go with the defaults so english voice acting with english subtitles. immediately johnny young basch starts narrating about how he's truly alone in the world now that the old man he lived with has died. and i have to say i had some doubts but he does a good job. i believe him as a 15 year old. he conveys the emotions well and only made me think of bleach a couple times. it's slightly different than the voice he uses for ichigo. less mature and more sad, lonely...

seto is likable and identifiable, good traits for a main character. i find it cute that he doesn't know what a lot of things are. like the broken t.v. he says he wonders what the box is actually for, it reminds him a mirror but...
and the way he'd reminisce about the old man who raised him. just the little things like keeping track of his growth every year on the wall. the little things you miss the most... reminds me of when i lost my pop.

the only other character i've met is wendy lee's p.f. and for a computer she's very likable and unintentionally funny. she'll feel the need to explain which way is right by saying it's the hand you hold pencils with but seto is left-handed so awkward moment get. she's always calculating the probability that something will work or the chance of getting out safely. good thing seto is pretty optimistic.

is it res-pit or re-spite? because i've always said the latter but the a.i. pronounces it the other way. respite. not really a word i'm accustomed to hearing, mostly i've just read it.

and yes combat is really simple:
step one listen for the spirits.
step two sweep the room with your flashlight to make them visible.
from here it's just a matter of timing, keep the light on the enemy and hit A when they're close enough. if you timed it right most will only take one hit.

at this point i've only encountered three kinds of 'thought entities' the basic blue jellyfish blob. they're no problem i run over to them and hit them with my stick. then there were these arms reaching out of the wall. black and transparent. preventing my advance. it was actually fist time i felt a little scared in this lonely world. the third kind was a pack of dogs. they ran around a lot so it was hard to keep the light on them. and when i searching one would get me from behind.

this is not a game i got into for it's hack and slash. it was for the atmosphere, characters, and story. i already said what i thought about the characters so far so atmosphere. oh boy does it deliver. the game looks beautiful and i'm not even going to qualify that with 'for the wii' because the wii is capable of so much more than most developers are content to give us. but that's a rant for another time.

i haven't seen many locations but they've all felt like there was once a lot of life here. it's gone now. and every new location gets added to your map. have i mentioned that i love the map? it's so cute. it's like he drew it himself with crayons and he marks it up like in silent hill. but instead of circles and x's we get "GHOSTS!" with an arrow pointing to a staircase.

i'm a little bit stuck at the moment. my mission is "fallow the tracks" but there's a gate and a train stopped rusting at the platform. i probably have to trigger something. i'll sweep the room again when i get another chance at the tv.

tl;dr : was it worth the $50? yes. does it live up my self-manufactured hype? heck yeah.

i love my wii, tl;dr, fragile, public!

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