you know what's funny? when someone thinks you've become sick/anorexic/disease-filled when you spend 15 minutes in the restaurant bathroom when really all you were trying to do was check you email. o/
moving on!
first task of Christmas Joy is done! for the lovely
parijienne, I come bearing with uh,
idek what is this guys.
you'll see a semi-stupid batch of hetalia/arashi icons with bad text manip on. it's not my fault I don't have photoshop, yo. I'm considerably more proud of the arashi ones, though. "XD
I was thinking of putting it up on somewhere, but then I thought... no one would want this crap on their comm. SO! take if you actually want it, but credit
merubear please!
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haha ohno bias? what are you talking about, there is no such thing
and then...
I guess here's something extra dorky-special because I love you. <3 merry merry christmas, pari/luxe/my cracky friend~
- one post for dorororororo
- one card I must buy and send to
corlee1289 ...yeah that's it for now folks. Imma go watch some more HnA and laugh at Ohno's faaaace ♥