Happy YAOI day! 8D
...So I'll make this post as ghei as possible.
So last night I was working on one of the commissions, preview lawl.
OMG you can't tell now who these are cuz its censored. DAMN CENSOR BARSSS!!!! >:X
My father then walks in and bugs me to start doing his work which involves computers and my father who grew up when mammoths still roam the lands of course needed my help. So I said I'll do it later showing him that I'm doing something too. But STILL he stays behind my back just watching what I'm doing.
Me: *color color color*
Dad: *stare stare stare*
Me: '_' *color color...*
Dad: *staaaaareee*
*awkward silence*
Me: *stays coloring the leg parts lol* .___.;;;
Dad: *still there*
Me: *stops coloring* Dad will you just go there for awhile I'm still doing this.
Dad: Umpisahan mo na kasi./ Start on it already.
Me: (I just can't stay coloring the leg parts forever and the thumbnail is showing anyway =_=;)FINE! Ok I'll work on it
Dad: *proceeds to explain what he wants me to do*
So then I proceed to do a lot of scanning, editing and alot copypasta that involved little sketch maps. I get bored easily...so what do you do when things get too monotonous? Mess with your Dad's work and gay it up of course.
Yeah it is a 'road to Roxas' XDDD That's refering to Roxas City I think but... meh I'm not really sure. Here Roxas has been a town, a city, a President, a boulevard, a street corner... it's a common name. XD; So I just can't resist putting Axel...speaking of which...
Happy Axel Month! 8D
Post still not ghei enough? HERE!
...Wentz being ghei for Koike keels me so bad.
MORE LAWL! I can't stop lol-ing while watching the video of that.
AND THANK YOU for support on my manga! *^___^* *now if I'd only finish the actual pages ._.;*