Nov 30, 2007 13:40
its been over a year since ive used or even looked at this thing, i need a change in my life, it got dull, very quick. All my friends are off doing semi cool shit, moving out of state gettin sweet jobs, so on and so on, then theres me, stuck in the same place as always without a way to get out in sight. im fucking stuck and its the biggest load of shit in the world. i just want to be able to say that i wanna do something, everyone goes through this shit, im just upset it took me this long to figure out, i guess im just a "late bloomer" or what the fuck ever. in all honesty though i really just dont want to deal with it, i just wanna wake up and everything be different, but fuck this isnt a gay movie so that shit isnt happening. there just needs to be a way to re-energize my life, i remember when i was like 16 and shit, everyday was a blast, or so it seemed when i looked back on it, even though me and my bros didnt really do shit it was fun now that i look at it. now im just sick of my folks not having a car so they use mine, im sick of not having a job, therefore i havent left my house the entire month of november, i think im gonna go crazy, stir crazy that is. i guess it could be worse...i could be dead