О как

Nov 29, 2011 11:31

Мало кто знает, но совсем недавно американские (!) болелы Ньюкасла писали письмо Мордашову с просьбой выкупить клуб ))))

Dear Mr. Mordashov,

We know you dislike the stereotype of ostentatious Russian oligarch who owns a football club as a plaything and a show of wealth and power. We're writing on behalf of a club in which such an oligarch would have little interest.

This short letter comes to you from a pair of American football fans who are dedicated supporters of Newcastle United. Most American fans of English football choose a glamour club like Chelsea or Arsenal to follow, so they can display the shirt and brag about the victories. We chose Newcastle United because we wanted something more genuine: a tradition-laden club with intensely loyal supporters who are more about passion than glory - real, hardworking people not unlike those who operate your steel plants. Целиком тут

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