Title: We were lovers for the first time
By: fifty_fifty
Gift for: LilyGreen10
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 13,856 words
Warning(s): No warnings
Summary: Merlin had to admit that he didn’t have the most vivid memories of that night. But what he did recall was the moment he’d laid eyes on the most gorgeous man he’d ever seen out on the dance floor, dancing in a white shirt that had been soaked in something-it turned out to be beer-turning it almost translucent. It was practically obscene, the way that that shirt had clung to the man’s chest and torso, the lights glinting off his blond hair.
Merlin couldn’t be sure if he hadn’t been drooling.
A story of getting together, falling in love, and experiencing the firsts of life, the ups and downs and everything in between.