Title: Kiss me once again
By: Hufflapute
Gift for: glade_days
Rating: Mature
Word Count/Medium: Art: Fic: 1,198 words; moodboard
Warning(s): Temporary Major Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide Attempts, Implied/Referenced Torture
Creator Notes (Optional): glade_days's prompt: "Winter Soldier!AU - Feel free to assign either character the role of Steve Rogers/Captain America or Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, I think both the obvious and non-obvious match-ups are compelling. Likes a good character study, Yearning^TM, hands lol, slow burn, modern AU - magic or non-magic!, post-finale reunion, farmer!Arthur, literary allusions. in vino veritas."
Merthur AND Stucky? Of course I was going to do it! O.O
I wish I could have done more, but I hope you'll be glad with the moodboard and the little fic! :)
Art and fic beta: Myoonmii. Thank you
Summary: Arthur comes back from the war and just wants to be left alone. Of course, nothing can be simple and he becomes Captain Britain. Same old fight against magic, but this time he's fighting against the Winter Soldier, a.k.a. Merlin.