Title: If It's Inconsequential Then There's Infinite Potential
By: thesongsitheriver
Gift for: ElliotTheRocketRacoon
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 26,574 words
Warning(s): no warnings apply
Summary: Merlin leaned back in his chair. “Well, I guess if it’s you vouching for him, I can at least meet him. And you’re sure he needs a flatmate?” Gwen smiled brightly. “He does, really. And Morgana thinks-well, never mind that. Shall I give him your number?” “Might as well do,” Merlin said. “I mean, it’s not like my situation can possibly get any worse.” Merlin really should have known better than that, by now. His situation could always get worse. *** Merlin's got no flatmate, no stipend, and nowhere else to turn. Enter Arthur, who's a bit of a mess himself. Who knows ... it just might work.
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