Brigits Flame Entry for October 2009, Week 1: Instep

Oct 08, 2009 18:15

"You look tired. Anything I can do?"

"I don't think so. Thanks, though."

"Why don't you let me buy you dinner?"

"That's okay. I already had something this evening."

"How about a drink? We could stop at Jimmy's."

"No, I have an early meeting tomorrow with the design crew."

"Back rub?"


"How about a foot massage?"

"Oh. Hmm. My feet are pretty tired, but...nah, that's okay. They're probably pretty dirty after a day in heels."

"Here, let me see."

"Oh! That feels wonderful! Your hands are so strong yet so gentle."

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it. I've actually been told that a few times before."

"Well, who ever said it was sooo right. You could do that to me all night."

"My pleasure."

"Ya know, I am pretty busy tonight, but maybe we could grab dinner tomorrow night?"

"Do you like sushi?"

"I adore sushi."

"Cool. There's a new place on the east side of town. Shall I pick you up at eight?"



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