Sep 02, 2008 06:29
Good three day weekend around here. Friday Brian came over and that was great. He stayed until Sunday afternoon. So much fun to have him around again. Saturday the guys boiled peanuts and we watched the Georgia game on Pay per View. Sunday we were lazy. Yesterday we visited with the BRaggs and saw their new baby. Jay and Abi played together like two little wild animals! LOL Then we visited Sarajayne and Brookins. That was a lot of fun.
Jay has had diarreah off and on since Sunday and has bad diaper rash so Jack's mom is coming down today to keep him since I don't think we're supposed to send him to daycare within 24 hours. Plus with his little hiney so raw he's been miserable.
I have work. Yay me! I kind of wish I was staying home with him, but I know I should go in to work.
Later taters!