only 3 days later we get our schdules..

Jun 17, 2006 12:28

yeah, i got my schdule for school. and it says the following:

1st hour: Acting and Interperation with Kaufman
2nd hour: Student Government with Decker
3rd hour: Forensics Science with Quinn
4th hour: World HIstory 3 with Pfeifle
5th hour: Advanced Alegbra with Dropiewski
6th hour: Principles of Technology with Drilich

but of course they messed my schdule up.
i want to take principles of tech my 1st semester and then take forensics my 2nd.
and then i was suppose to have french.
but that didnt happen.
and i need to fix that.

and i still havn't taken gym.
i need that waved.

hope everyones summer is going well!
and be safe all you new drivers!!

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