Mar 25, 2008 01:29
my super belated post:
I wanted to wait until things had settled a bit before writing about all of the happenings of my life...
so I had a boyfriend for a month. We held hands, he put his arm around me, I really liked him. But we actually only hung out as a couple only three times in a month, and he never ever initiated our hanging out. I know that he liked me, but I don't think he liked me as much as I liked him and I really didn't like the person that I became in that relationship...i kept track of who called and I had all of these expectations that he never met. it was no good.
so I broke up with him a few days before our 1 month anniversary. He was ridiculously cool with it when I did it. almost insultingly so :) hahah
anyway the first time we saw each other was a little awkward and I relapsed and sent him a facebook message telling him that I still liked him and if he changed his mind and decided that I was what he wanted too, then I'd be here waiting and willing to give it a second shot. since then we've hung out a couple times and our interactions have been great. I love being his friend and I don't regret what I chose to do.
my friend rob that I've been hanging out with a lot lately was someone that I thought might be my next boyfriend... he's the antithesis of devon in that he initiates everything and if we don't talk for awhile he'll see what's up. I've only known him for about 2 months, but tonight he and I probably had one of the most amazing conversations I've ever had. it lasted for about an hour and would have kept going if he didn't have 8:30 class. we talked about each other's past relationships and how we feel about our families and our views on what parenting should be like in the future. It was really quite all encompassing :)
anyway, ironically enough we had matching views on everything important and understood each other even when we didn't necessarily agree, so I finally started to get on board and thought for a second that this would be a great boyfriend. ::he aspires to be described as gentlemanly and he's all for displaying affection and just basically everything you would expect me to want in a guy, he said without prompting:: he's great! but yeah, that's not gonna happen he just started seeing this other girl and he was asking me for advice on how to proceed with her while taking about how hard it was to meet people with our shared value set in ann arbor. ahhaha makes me chuckle.
I know it's hard to pick up my tone from the above paragraph, but it's really not bitter, I promise :)
I'm happy that I have a guy friend that I can talk to like that, and I told him some worries I have that I've told maybe one person outside of my family...and he was great. perfect response. i just am so happy to finally have a guy friend like that.
so academically I'm fine and socially I'm great and emotionally I'm good.
so all things considered i couldn't be better.
we'll see what happens from here. it should be interesting :)
only like three weeks of school left...and I'll be 20 in under a month. how did that happen? hahha
Barnabee loves you