what a kick in the head...

Dec 20, 2004 11:44

I really wish I could start off my entry on a positive note but er...i guess not, haha. So I went into that thread on LD just like what Maria and Mare told me to do and I ended up wishing I could give Whitney a kick in the head. Now, based on that statement alone, if you sit back and think it over, don't you just love what the world is turning into? I will start bitching about her and wish all these bad stuff that I wish I could do to her and not realising that I'm pretty much as bad...well, not really. Those are unspoken thoughts, I say if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all...and bitch them on your LJ instead, haha. And I love what Kita said at the end and then locked the thread, so Whitney really didn't have the last say.

Matt surprised me, haha...he's usually about himself, the 'look at me, i'm gorgeous' poster, but today, he stood up for Adri, I bet he got lots of reps for that.

Sure you can say what's on your mind and you can excuse yourself by saying you're a blunt person in nature...but have you ever think about how it can affect the person in a negative way? Is that really necessary?

I saw a thread on Xtina's board about almost half of the Americans voted to strict rights of Muslims in the country and that's just sad. From what I was told, USA is in the top 5 when it comes to the no. of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries [China being first and France coming in second if i remember correctly]. I've seen a documentary on them and 99% of these people [in the US] are American citizens, not foreigners. I wonder what would happen to them if they were to restrict them in some things? Ppl always associate them with the beard and that headgear they wore but seriously, those are traits of Muslims living in the Middle East.

And that recent news about this woman who killed a pregnant woman and stole the baby out of her womb? How sick is that?

Here in our own country, a fourteen year old girl threw her new born baby from the 12th floor right after giving birth to her. Passerby thought it was pieces of chicken in a pool of blood. Imagine that. Some would say in her condition after giving birth and unsure of what to do to the baby before her family found out drove her to doing that, but seriously, what have she been doing for the last 9 months while that baby was in her? Did she not think her options?

And that's why I hate to sit back, think and put things in perspective, because the fact is, it's upsetting. The first thing that I saw when I went to yahoo today was to see the headlines of some killerbombs killing more soldiers and innocent ppl in Iraq.

So what should I do today? Lets see...I have to start breaking the chapters for OTR and rewrite a few things that I seriously find too cheesy and then have them editted by Mare before January hits. I have to call HP and set a date for me to go over and pick up the new PC i bought for my brother, print more invitation cards for my mom [using the office's paper and printer, that's for mistreating me you ungrateful boss!] *try* to write another chapter to Lost, which btw, I would have stop writing if I keep myself thinking about how almost none are reading it...what else? oh yeah, probably disturb gal just to see her reaction. I love it when boss decides not to come in on a Monday.
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