DISCLAIMER: All of the fics at this community are works of fiction. The authors claim no knowledge of Orlando or Viggo's lives. They make no profit from their works.
OVERALL RATING: NC-17 overall, not every single fic is, but just in case
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Gosh, I feel like such a jerk! You see, I set this story aside for myself, to read it after everything else, to savor it, enjoy, and really really fall in love with it. Which means I haven't read it until today even though the comm's tab has been open in my browser for a few days.
But yesterday, laying in my bed, just before I fell asleep, I suddenly realized what that must be doing to you and I'm so sorry. Please do know that I appreciate your effort very much.
I don't remember what kind of reality show I was thinking about when making my request but dancing never occurred to me. And yet it's so wonderful, well thought out and realistic, I love it. I love Ian's suave skills, Elijah's wide-eyed clumsiness, Billy's and Dom's funloving attitude, Sean B's sizzling and his never learning, and the little jabs at Astin. Btw, how did JRD do? =D
And our main heroes are so sweet. That's the best part, of course. (Aside the part when they bump into each other lips first. LOL)
So, I hope you can see how much I love my gift. Thank you so much for writing it!
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