For the old SEC...

Dec 31, 2009 08:34

I received an email several months ago from a member of the old SEC (Senshi Exchange Club, for those who have no idea what I'm talking about... part of my old Sailor Orion website.) A very long time ago, I recorded a lullaby and posted it in the SEC forums as a sort of gift for everyone. She was asking me if I still had my version of the lullaby (which I don't anymore, SAD!!) and where it had come from. I told her it was from a Disney movie in the 80's called "Polly!" My mom had recorded the movie off of TV years and years ago, and as a kid I watched it over and over. The lullaby that Polly sings to her doll has always stuck with me as one of my favorite songs.

Last night I was surfing YouTube, and I FOUND IT. Apparently Disney has put this movie on DVD after 20 years... I can't afford it, but I wanted to share this clip with anybody who still might remember and be interested in the song. It's just as pretty as I remember. ♥

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