Closing and Thanks!

Jan 10, 2010 00:50

Hey y'all!

So I just posted the last two stories, though I had to post one of them in two parts because LJ shouted in pink boxes at me that the post was too long.  Story of this ficathon's life.  From there, I can only say that I have never read so many fantastic stories in one sitting, because I'm shameless and cheated!

Special Thanks to:

penknife  for allowing me this opportunity to Mod.
danglingdingle for her unfailing ability to make me feel better 
mamazano for stepping up to the plate at the last second and writing two pinch hits
sammistar for also stepping up to a pinch hit fantastically
bonnyblondelass for the constant check ins and reminders (did you delete your journal?)
rayn_firehawk  for the betaing, the support and the late night phone calls
greenisbeauty for the reminder tonight

and everyone else who participated in the story giving.  You guys were fantastic.

In a few days, I'll amass a Master Post of all our stories so they'll be easy to find.  See you next Christmas!

That's a wrap!

'Drea, your modly psychopath.

2009, admin

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