MOD POST: A Thought

Dec 31, 2009 01:00

 Hey y'all!

I have five more stories to post tomorrow all of which will somehow happen within the alloted time frame.  I have a very busy day ahead of me, but, I will do my best.  I may post one or two on the 1st, but that's still the holidays so I'm counting it as on time.  LJ seems to have cleared up its wall-of-text failure though I'm sticking to my guns and avoiding any LJ user name links in the post - just in case.

However, my post is not about my failure to post on time.  It's actually an idea I had.  This year we had 23 different people sign up for our ficathon.  We amassed that many stories, plus a few because I'm nice :D.  To that end, I was thinking, why not do something like this a few times a year? Clearly they'd be shorter requests, and the word count would be slightly less than 1000 - though I think about two of you were even close to that number, myself included.

I'd probably have to make a new community, as this is penknife's brain child, and I might model it after rounds_of_kink, with permission from Andrea and Mickey.  (Different Andrea, clearly.)

We could change up challenges, such as drabble challenges, or word based ones, just to keep the story flow going.  As always, any pairing, any kink, warning or idea would be welcome.

Is anyone else amenable to this? I'd make the community, and if enough people are interested, I might need some help maintaining it.  One or two people who would be on top of the job would be great.


(PS. 'Scuse my drunkenness.  Too much rum and pineapple juice.  I think I caught most of my own typos.  Laugh at me as you will.)
That is...if people are interested in an ongoing any-thing-goes Pirates ficathon community?

2009, mod post

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