Yesterday I headed off to the local preachers meeting, and one of the tasks was to book an evening with 3 other LPs to go for a curry. The process was as difficult as it ever could be for two people in ministry and one regular traveler, but we eventually found a date... The interesting bit was during the discussions of dates, particularly given our next talk is going to be about inclusive language. It went something like this...
Person 1: "So, is that date okay for everyone? Sunday evening?"
Me: "Oh, erm... can I bring the other half - sorry, I forgot they're going to be around."
Person 2: "Well, being partnerless I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind."
Person 1: "I think it would be better if there weren't any blokes there."
Me: "That won't be a problem."
Person 1 (very confused look on her face): "So... er... who would you be wanting to bring then?!?!?"
Me (feeling fairly stunned): "a woman!"
Am I the only one who's a little surprised that a person in there 20s, however much they may be a Good Little Christian (I guess), is unaware of the concept of lesbianism. Most GLCs I know are well aware of it because they're condemning it but I suppose this woman isn't that good a GLC and so might have missed that.
It did make me think of a comic that Wood recommended to the other half, and particularly this page: Next time I'll have to take a lesbian pirate from outer space with me. ;)