Apr 15, 2005 14:07
Everywhere I've gone today has smelled like hardboiled eggs. It started at breakfast, but that makes sense since they serve hardboiled eggs. However, my Sustainable Cities class should definitely NOT smell like eggs. Nor should the bathroom, my room, or the mailroom. I keep checking my shoes to see if I stepped in hardboiled egg. Nothing. Alas.
It's looking like either the weekend of May 7th-9th or 21st-23rd will be taken up by a mini Merry road trip. I've figured out renting a car and found four people to come with me and share the costs. It will be me, Adrienne, Taylor, Ben, and Diana. We're hoping to see Richmond, Seven Mile Beach, Wineglass Bay, and Tahune AirWalk just to list a few. We're trying to pack in as much as possible since I'm the only one of the five of us that's legal to rent a car until Adrienne turns 21 in mid-June. The last few days here have been beautiful, albeit cold. It's definitely fall.
Tonight I will be heading off to Lano & Woodley's show. They are two well-known Australian comedians. They're doing a comedic show about two men who are stranded on a tropical island after their plane crashes. Desert Island + Plane Crash = Hilarity. We'll have to see. There should be about a dozen of us going, it's sponsored through the college. The only people I know of so far are Peter and Little Dave. I'm sure I'll know the others though, or at very least they'll look familiar.
I also just want to take a moment to let Kim know that I love her. I love being a crotchety old woman with her, bitching about everything, and then laughing at it all. Kim my dear, you keep this woman sane and she appreciates it. Just remember.....responsibility.....it's the key to your, um, happiness, yes.
Fencing is currently rocking my world. We were in full gear last night for the first time and I loved it. My form is solid, but in the past I haven't been aggressive enough with my parries. So last night I thought to myself, "Ok, you can do it. Be vicious. Aim to kill." This is what the instructor had told me last time and I was determined that when my turn came I was going to step up the plate and really give it to him. Boy did I ever. First lunge straight into the upper right chest quadrant. He stood stalk-still and then I heard a small groan. He then reached down and took hold of the tip of my foil and said, "This doesn't have a button on the end of it, does it?". Turns out the button had worn away and I had, for all intents and purposes, just stabbed my instructor. Well done. Yes. Wonderful. He was fine though, no blood and it didn't tear his jacket. He said it was just unexpected, but not my fault. I assure you that I will never fail to check for buttons from now until eternity.
Cheers all,