story for meeeeeee: J/D ficathon

Jul 13, 2007 07:58

My own story I am writing for the fictathon is delayed because for the past few weeks I haven't been able to type for more than a minute or two at a time without a lot of pain (elbow tendonitis - yes again). But you know how when you get a story in one of these things you have to post about it and rec it just to be polite?

There are two things you should know about me:

1) I am generally too lazy to rec things, and
2) I am not actually all that polite.

I would consider my civic duty done after leaving a friendly thank you if I didn't love the story I got. So, when I say you really want to go read this story, it's because it's a story I would put on my delicious page just for myself, that I would save to my hard drive forever and ever, because it made me wildly happy, and is beautifully written, and is a deep, warm, hot story well-told. It's Jack and Daniel facing something that's always been there, with fear and courage and each other. My requests were "pining" and "Jack fighting for Daniel", and this is the lovely thing I got:

The Worth of Things Not Said, by niamaea.
"What if I said I was tired of waiting?"


recs, stargate sg1

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