1) starting time: 3:57
2) name: Grace Karnell
3) nicknames: none
4) school: xavier
5) eyes: blue
6) height: 5'7
7) siblings: two brothers one sister
8) ever been kissed: that sounds like never been kissed, that was a good movie
9) ever cheated or been cheated on: no
10) ever missed school b/c it was raining: no
11) ever faked being sick? yes actually, but i had a reason...
12) kept a secret that no one else knows: not my own, but other peoples
13) had an imaginary friend: no
14) wanted to hook up with a friend: i dont know if id say "hook up" but yes..
15) cried during a flick: many times
16) who is your star crush: jared padalecki
17) ever thought of animated characters as hot: i dont think so
18) drink: purple gatorade
19) food: sonic mozzarella sticks
20) restaurant: not sure
21) shampoo: matrix
22) color: pink and blue
23) summer/winter: both for different reasons
24) online? sure
25) lace, silk, satin? Silk
26) like anyone? this is a complicated question
27) who have you known the longest out of your friends? out of the group that i hang out with most of the time, mary alice
29) whens your birthday? July 25
30) who do you go to for advice? friends
31) who do you get along with? whoever i feel like getting along with
-----when was the last time-----
32) cried: thursday night, i believe
33) been mean: i dont remember, but my friends probably do..
34) listened to your favorite band? today
35) been sarcatic: i tend to be sarcastic a lot, but i dont remember the last time
36) been yelled at? allie when she noticed i was wearing her sweatshirt
37) talked to someone you have a crush on? no comment
38) kissed someone? its been a while
39) hugged someone? today
40) won an award? i dont win too many awards
41) wished upon a star? probably after i saw the movie wish upon a star
42) laughed until youve cried? today
43) played truth or dare: im not sure
44) watched a sunrise/sunset: i see them, but i dont sit there and watch them
45) went to the beach at night? its been a while
46) had too much homework? sometime last week
47) eaten anything out of the ordinary? i have no idea, i usually stick to ordinary food
48) are you lonely? whenever i am alone...
49) are you happy? sometimes, usually not during the week though... lol i just hate school too mcuh
50) are you talking to someone online? um kinda
--------------do you believe in------------------------
51) God/devil: yes
52) love at first sight: not really
53) the closet monster: no
54) singing in the shower: yes
55) heaven/hell: yes
56) superstitions: no
57) the glass is half empty or half full? i have to say half empty; like how on the first day of christmas break, i kept saying it was almost over...
58) who named you? my parents
59) favorite quote? Showers are for people who want to smell good.
60) when was the last time you showered? yesterday
61) what is your computer desk made of? wood i think
62) what was the last thing you did? ate goldfish
63) where do you want to go on your honeymoon? london/paris
64) where do you want your wedding? in a church
65) who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? my husband
66) hows the weather? very nice actually
67) what did you do last night? watched gilmore girls
68) things you find attractive about the oposite sex? sense of humor, hair, smile, isnt the dullest person in the world
69)How do you eat an oreo? who really cares
74) what happened to questions 70-75? i dont really know
75) how often do you go to the movies? whenever people are going to see one
76) favorite music: i just had this conversation... i like a lot of different music
77) favorite band? too many
78) how many kids do you want to have? maybe 5 or 6
79) something that you dont get at all: math
80) favorite animal? koala, horse
81) brand of clothing: american eagle
82) favorite book: i dont know
83) do you liked your chicken baked or fried? fried
84) stupidest thing youve ever done? i have done a lot of stupid things in my day
85) first sons name? luke
86) husbands/wifes name? umm..
87) first daughters name? i dont know
88) do you collect anything? i dont think so
89) dating anyone? no
90) on the phone or in person? in person
91) lust or love? Love
92) favorite hobby? i pretty much sit at home and do nothing.. true story...
93) if you could change something about yourself, what would it be? i wish i talked more when people first met me so they dont think im snobby, definitely happens to me every once in a while
94) what time was intermission? not sure
95) who do you talk to on the phone the most? i dont talk on the phone too much, but maybe allie?
96) what do you think of this person? i like her a lot
97) your favorite song? it changes, right now i would have to say white houses
98) any thing you want to say to everyone? no
99) time finished: 4:17