hi I’m coming back

Apr 14, 2021 00:44

It took me a while to say I'm back, but I'm back from taking care of my house.

Right, so I'm going to not do Be the First this year because I burned out from not working on my project for that for too long. And I've decided to fill old prompts from prompt fests with drabbles for my
femslashficlets tables. Why? I foolishly decided to sign up for
unconventionalcourtship for the first time in a while. I decided I wanted to write about 1) Becky Lynch and 2) something based on a near-erotica vampire summary. And I also wanted a break from exchanges for a while.

Going to posts some drabbles I meant for a
femslashficlets table for a different
femslash100100 table soon. This entry was originally posted at https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/425243.html. Comments on either site are fine.

not a fic

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