Title: Swerve for the Gold |
AO3Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment
Characters/Pairing: (past) Lacey Evans/Charlotte Flair
femslashficlets: The Girl in the Tower | Three Sentences Ficathon:
Any, Any, skewed prioritiesRating: General Audiences
Word Count: 100
Summary: Canon AU: Lacey feels slighted when Charlotte returns from injury. Lacey decides to go in a different direction.
Lacey tagged with Peyton out of necessity, but what she was waiting for was when Charlotte was cleared to wrestle again so she could finally get close to some sort of gold on Raw. Charlotte didn't call Lacey back at all before she was granted a tag team title shot along with Asuka; Charlotte was playing nice with her old rival and Lacey couldn't understand why, no matter what Charlotte said in her interviews. Lacey decided she wasn't waiting for or playing nice with Charlotte and that she'd come after Charlotte's gold whether Asuka was in the way or not.
This entry was originally posted at
https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/424550.html. Comments on either site are fine.