I finished my tarot table for
femslashficlets that I didn’t claim first? In the link, mostly WWE and/or Bayley, but there’s also a Me/Clara drabble. I did claim the folklore table a few months back, and currently my brain wants to craft a story based on characters that appear in
an expansion pack for the horrible video game WWE 2K20. If not, I was considering “Becky Lynch fpreg.” I don’t know, something something wrestling AU.
2. I should post said mentioned drabble to
dwfiction. I mean.
3. Still working on Yuletide. Thinking I might be done in a week with my idea? I may also consider writing treats, but I am also still watching pinch hit drops.
This entry was originally posted at
https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/420433.html. Comments on either site are fine.