I’m trying to somewhat rearrange my DW journal, and since I feel this would be missed in my archives if I deleted or locked the first post this was posted in (a Fandom Snowflake Challenge post), it wouldn’t be accessible, so here is this particular collection again.
Lesbian Movie Title Drabble Collection (Leverage) (2000 words) by
merryghoulChapters: 20/20
LeverageRating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sophie Devereaux/Parker, Tara Cole/Sophie Devereaux/Parker, Tara Cole/Parker, Maggie Collins/Sophie Devereaux, Tara Cole/Sophie Devereaux
Characters: Sophie Devereaux, Parker (Leverage), Tara Cole, Alec Hardison, Maggie Collins
Additional Tags: Foot Fetish, Community: femslash_kink, Community: femslash100, Drabble Collection, Community: comment_fic, Community: fic_promptly, Crack, Community: fan_flashworks, Alternate Universe
My claim for femslash100, made at Dreamwidth.
This entry was originally posted at
https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/397185.html. Comments on either site are fine.