Gossip Girl fic: One Way or Another (yet again)

Aug 02, 2019 15:53

Title: One Way or Another | AO3 | For @gossipgirlkinkmeme here and Porn Battle
Rating: NC-17
Relationship: Blair/Serena
Characters: Blair/Serena
Word Count: 363
Summary: Blair needs Serena to scratch her itch.

"I don't know, S. Ever since this morning I've had an itch."

Blair and Serena are sitting at a table in the Constance Billard courtyard after classes have ended. Blair is shifting around in her seat.

"Okay, Blair, where is it? Your back? I can scratch it for you."

"No, Serena. Not that type of an itch. The other itch."

"Oh. Then why don't you scratch it?"

"I had a dream last night someone was going to scratch it for me."

"Nate? Chuck?"

"I doubt Nate even knows where to find my itch and I'm afraid Chuck will make me itch--with crabs. It was you."

Serena's eyes widen. She has an uneasy look on her face.

"So can you scratch it, S? Please?"

"B, I have to go home to check on Eric." Serena's voice is hesitant. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"

"Serena, I need you to scratch my itch now!"

"Blair, I'm not obligated to scratch any of your itches."

"I'm not leaving here until you scratch my itch!"

Serena runs into the school. She goes through in classrooms, in and out of a bathroom, across the courtyard a couple of times and in and out of the cafeteria with Blair close by on her heels.

After a few minutes of running, Serena stops, realizing Blair is not on her trail anymore. Looking down, weak from fatigue, she walks into a classroom, grabbing the door frame. She looks up. In front of her is Blair on a teacher's desk, skirt hiked up, panties on the floor and a sopping cunt.

"You're not leaving here until you put your fingers inside me and scratch my itch."

Serena is too tired to fight with Blair anymore. "Okay, Blair."

Serena stumbles over to Blair and gets down on her knees. Two of her fingers go inside Blair's cunt. She rubs Blair's G-spot, marches her fingers back and forth, rotates her hand and thrusts in and out of her, causing Blair to moan uncontrollably. Blair orgasms and collapses on the desk.

"Well...did I scratch your itch?"

"Yes, Serena." Blair is out of breath but happy.

"See you tomorrow, B?"

"As always, S."

This entry was originally posted at https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/394537.html. Comments on either site are fine.

fandom: gossip girl, porn battle: 2011, character: blair waldorf, rating: explicit, community: gossipgirlanon (kink meme), character: serena van der woodsen

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