femslashex letter 2018

Aug 11, 2018 18:53

(updated 22 August)

Jump to: General | Doctor Who | Game of Thrones | Dirty Computer | Black Lighting | Killing Eve | Westworld | MCU | Crossovers | Call the Midwife | Original Work

merryghoul. If you'd like to see my recs (some art, mostly fic), they're located at

For this exchange, I’m requesting fanfic only.

In general, I don't want the following: character bashing, unrequested crossovers, vomitplay, mundane AUs, curtainfic, anything dealing with non-canon impregnation, babies, and/or children, and fics written in the second person. I don't want high school/college AUs for characters that are not students in high schools and/or colleges. Except for Dirty Computer (obviously), I don’t want songfic.

Trope-wise, I’m fond of the following: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, the friends to lovers trope (where applicable), sharing a bed, and pretend couples. In smut, I like the following kinks and tropes: knifeplay, spanking, bondage, begging, femdom, the "aliens made them do it" trope, and the "sex pollen" trope.

There are some canon-specific notes written before my requests further down the letter.

If you can’t write for any of my prompts, or if my list of tropes doesn’t excite you, it's okay! Feel free to write whatever you'd like. Make it as dark or light as you want, as long as your fic doesn't hit my DNWs.

Doctor Who

Canon-specific notes: With any of these pairings, if you'd like to, Torchwood, Classic, and/or New Who crossovers are fine. Please, none of the following: Sarah Jane Adventures and/or Class crossovers, Thirteenth Doctor and her companions (“friends”), Clara echoes (canon or author-created), and character death specifically for Ashildr/Me.

Ashildr | Lady Me/Clara Oswin Oswald: Despite the piped tag (and AO3 tag for Clara), I'm only interested in Clara and Me post-"Hell Bent."

I see Me and Clara as both being competent in what they do. And I feel they treat each other as equals. I want to see Me use her skills (anything and everything she learned as a queen, an artist, a solider, a mayor, etc. al.) and her strength to overcome any obstacles that come in her way. And I want to see a witty, clever Clara who reminds Me of the awesome things in life, even though Me has literally lived billions of years. (I admit to paraphrasing a bit of this blog from the BBC's Doctor Who site for this portion of the letter.)

I'm interested in the two going on adventures similar to ones in canon, fighting intergalactic foes and saving others from intergalactic threats. Or I'd love to see them struggle with controlling their TARDIS and/or trying to get their TARDIS out of a diner shape. Tropey hurt/comfort stuff with Me getting hurt and Clara waiting it out until Me heals is also something I'm interested in.

Missy/Clara Oswin Oswald: I would prefer to see fic set prior to "Face the Raven," when Clara was still alive.

I see Clara being charmed by Missy's personality, but she hates her for the various things Clara believes Missy's done against her (like Danny's death, or trapping her inside a Dalek shell, trying to get the Doctor to kill her). What I don't want between the two is a total fluffy relationship, where Missy suddenly forgets she likes to kill people.

I'm very interested in situations where Clara, for some reason, ends up as Missy's companion. Maybe Missy picked up Clara in between Clara's journeys with the Doctor--what happenes next? Do they squabble all the time? Keep it professional, but with some sexual tension between them? Do they have a lot of sex and/or hatesex? Does Missy need Clara's help, or does Clara need Missy's help? Is there an alternate timeline or universe, or even a "what if" situation where Clara became Missy's companion? Does Clara stay herself or find herself agreeing with Missy's motivations?

Missy/River Song: I can see River finding Missy charming, but I can't imagine her approving of everything Missy does (and especially after "Let's Kill Hitler," when she breaks her conditioning to kill the Doctor). A Missy similar to canon!Missy or a darker Missy is welcome for this pairing for me. But I also don't want a completely fluffy relationship where Missy and River's past actions are ignored.

I'd love to see scenarios where Missy finds River (or vice versa): why would one of them need the other's help? Something concerning the Doctor? The universe? Something that needs the expertise of the other? Or maybe they're forced to work together. Maybe one of them has to save the other's life.

Clara Oswin Oswald/River Song: They technically met before Clara was split into echoes and River was dead. But I'd like to see the two of them meeting up when both of them were alive, sometime after "The Time of the Doctor," when Clara knew River existed, and, obviously, before the Library episodes for River. I see these two either bumping into each other by accident or on purpose, having trips when the Doctor's not around. For instance: Clara opening the Doctor's TARDIS with her key, only to find River inside. Or Clara runs into River, without the TARDIS (or, quite possibly, the Doctor). Or maybe River is on Earth during Clara's time for some reason. Clara starts investigating why she is on Earth. What happens next? Do they get along instantly? Is there some resistance between the two?

Donna Noble/River Song: They first met in the Library episodes; this is, once again, one of these couples I'm requesting without a lot of on-screen interaction. I'm a bit disappointed River and Donna haven't met elsewhere in canon; given that River doesn't have to live her life in a linear fashion, why couldn't she have met Donna before the Library? Or why couldn't she have found a Donna in an alternate universe? Maybe River meets Donna after she loses her memories of traveling with the Doctor. Does she help Donna control her thoughts so she doesn't die from recalling her memories? Maybe there's a fix-it so her brain doesn't burn up while thinking about her memories? What about an AU where Donna remains the DoctorDonna and has adventures with River? Or what if River met Donna before Donna met the Doctor?

Heather (Doctor Who: The Pilot)/Bill Potts: My frustration with these two is that they had so little screen time together in Series 10. I would've loved to have seen these two interact more and have more of a relationship than what was shown onscreen--more flirting, more dating, more romance. So anything you can come up with that explores their relationship is great with me. Scenes during "The Pilot" that show Bill and Heather dating. Anything exploring their post-"The Doctor Falls" adventures. Anything diverging from canon--what if she was always a human, waiting for Bill to come back from her adventures? Or what if she was also one of the Doctor's companions?

Ashildr/Missy/Clara Oswin Oswald: Despite the tag, I'm only interested in these three past "Hell Bent."

It's obvious Clara knows Missy, and in "Hell Bent," Me knows about Missy. I think it'd be fun to see the three of them interacting after Clara and Me acquire their TARDIS. I really want to see Clara and Me being equally competent, and I want to see Missy as charming as ever, but still scheming to do something evil. Some things I'd like to see: their first meeting together; an event that demands that all three of them be together or something catastrophic might happen; Clara and Me falling into one of Missy's traps or schemes by accident, but for some reason, all three of them stay together.

Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken: Their timeline is all over the place, in part because of when the two separately left and re-boarded the TARDIS at various points in their life. I'm fine with Tegan having adventures with Nyssa after she rejoined the TARDIS, or somehow bumping into a much older Nyssa. (Feel free to ignore Nyssa's children and spouses, according to Big Finish, for this paring.) You can write anything for these two, but I'm very interested in times they could have saved people/worlds/galaxies, etc., by themselves, without other companions and/or the Doctor; vacations between the two of them, away from the TARDIS; or mishaps in the TARDIS. Maybe a time they were lost trying to get back to a certain room? Or the time their bedroom changed between Tegan leaving and rejoining the TARDIS in the middle of Five's run--what happened there?

Ashildr | Lady Me/Missy: Me is aware of Missy prior to living until the very end of time. And Me doesn't like Missy. But how exactly does Me know of Missy? Did Me stop one of Missy's schemes? Did Missy fool her into something, and their relationship is one with some sexual tension, but also loathing? Did Missy somehow sneak onto Me's street and try to kidnap one of the denizens there? Given Me's long life and Missy being a Time Lady, I'm certain there are so many possibilities of potential meetings between the two.

Ashildr | Lady Me/Clara Oswin Oswald/River Song: It's possible these three bump into each other while happening to be in the same timeline at the right time, right? So show me the three of them saving the universe. Or River accidentally appearing in or calling for Me and Clara's TARDIS instead of the Doctor's. Or that one time they found each other in some sort of resort or leisure planet or the like. or another one of their adventures.

Game of Thrones

Canon-specific notes: Please no canon from A Song of Ice and Fire.

Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen: I was thrilled when the show reveal Yara liked women, and I really liked that little bit of flirting between the two of them in Mereen. Since there hasn't been a lot of on-screen interaction between the two of them, I'd be delighted with anything you can write between the two of them in canon. What aboutscenes between the two of them in Mereen, before going to Dragonstone? Or the days before Yara set sail for King's Landing (after Daenerys' army landed at Dragonstone). Did they have a slow-burning romance that lasted for a few days? Something quicker than that? Or I'd love to see an AU where Daenerys decides to head to King's Landing to free Yara herself.

Sansa Stark/Brienne of Tarth: I feel Brienne is always looking for someone to declare fealty to. And although Sansa's awful experiences with Joffrey and Ramsay hardened her, I feel there's still a bit of Sansa left that imagines she's one of those courtly women in the legends and songs she heard while she was growing up. I feel these two are perfect for the loyalty/fealty trope, and if you want to play up that element of their relationship, feel free. But I also would like to see things set between the two while Sansa was escaping Winterfell under Bolton control. Or Brienne at Sansa's side after the Starks take back Winterfell. (I'm not picky about the timing of when this happens; I'll be happy with anything set before or after Brienne goes to Riverrun.) I'm also interested in a scenario where Sansa is Queen of the Andals and Brienne serves under her. Is Brienne her Hand? Leader of the Queensguard? Something else?

Arya Stark/Sansa Stark: I prefer anything set after season 6 with these two. Because of their differing points of view when they were younger, Arya and Sansa were not the best of friends. I feel that, because of what they've both been through ever since they were separated at King's Landing, they would be more open to having a relationship with each other. (In this case, more than a sisterly relationship, please.) What about an AU scenario with the two reuniting in Winterfell? I can't imagine they could be fully open about a relationship with each other. Do they tell other people? Is their relationship potential ammunition for Littlefinger? I'm also interested in another AU scenario where for some reason, Arya can't reveal that she's still alive to Sansa. Arya resolves this Sansa in the guise of other women, using the things she learned from the Faceless Men. Does Sansa ever find out or not? Or a fic where Sansa is Queen of the Andals and Arya is her Hand. How does Sansa become Queen and how does Arya become her Hand? What do they do once they are Queen and Hand?

Arya Stark/The Waif: I don't want fluff for this pairing at all. I want the Waif to think she's better than Arya in every way, from her abilities to her pride in not being a noblewoman from a Great House. And I want the Waif to delight in tormenting Arya because she thinks she's better than Arya. Meanwhile, I want Arya to find ways to defeat the Waif, and I want Arya to be aware of the Waif's arrogance, something the Waif shouldn't have as a Faceless Man. I'd love to see the Waif ordered to aid Arya in her training. How unpleasant was it for Arya to work with the Waif, and how much was the Waif secretly getting off on being cruel to Arya? And I can certainly see the Waif following Arya--when Arya was blind, Arya on assignment to kill someone, Arya leaving Braavos--trying to have one more fight with Arya just to win and get satisfaction over her. Or what if the Waif somehow survives her encounter with Arya in the little alcove in Braavos Arya lived in, and followed her back to Westeros? Would the Waif hinder Arya's progress to avenge her family? Would the Waif be willing to help Arya, and at what cost to the Waif's pride?

Ellaria Sand/Yara Greyjoy: A note: I have received canon-divergent AUs where Yara saves Ellaria and they're co-rulers. Please don't be intimidated if you want to create your own take on that type of scenario. That said, I'm interested in other scenarios betweeen those two as well. I'd love to see the scene from "Dragonstone" with Yara and Ellaria on Yara's boat, but without Euron's forces interrupting. Or Ellaria and Yara getting to King's Landing--you can have them avoid Euron's forces, or successfully fight them off, or not meet them at all. Or what if Yara had to go to Dorne, before it fell, and met Ellaria somehow--how would that go?

Dirty Computer - Janelle Monáe (Music Video)

Canon-specific notes: I'm okay with including Che in romantic situations for this fandom, but please don't feel like you have to include him.

Oh, and the video is here. Heads up: it's age-restricted if you're not logged into YouTube.

Jane 57821/Zen (Dirty Computer): I feel a lot of Jane’s memories with Zen aren’t told in a literal way. I sense there’s a lot of innuendo in her memories. I think it’d be fun to see Jane’s memories retold in a “realistic” way. I do understand that not everyone’s up for retellings, so I’d also love further explorations of the dystopia Jane and Zen live in--do these parties move around, because of the existence of the House of the New Dawn, or are they slowly disappearing? It appears that Jane and Zen are on the run--where are they going, how and where are they hiding? What were their plans to infiltrate the House of the New Dawn? Do they recover some of their memories after the "emotion picture," or have they lost their memories for good?

Black Lightning (TV)

Grace Choi/Anissa Pierce: I wish they spent more time on screen together! It feels like their relationship was forsaken for the “family on the run” plot near the end of the first season, and Anissa didn’t seem too bothered about missing Grace at all. So I’d love scenes of them meeting up in canon, away from Anissa’s work and/or as Thunder. Future fic would be lovely as well-what if Grace developed powers? How would that change their relationship? How would that change the relationships within their families?

Killing Eve (TV 2018)

Eve Polastri/Villanelle | Oksana Astankova: I swore the end of the first season of Killing Eve would end with Eve and Villanelle on the run. It didn’t. So what if they did travel together on the run? Do they kill people? Track down the Twelve? Does Villanelle flirt with Eve a lot? Or any other canon divergence AU would be great-what if Eve decided to sleep with Villanelle instead? What if Eve found a way for Villanelle to stop from killing Konstantin? I’m also interested in any missing scenes you can write for the two of them.

Westworld (TV)

Canon-specific notes: This section has spoilers for season two.

Maeve Millay/Clementine Pennyfeather: For this group, I want the original Clementine (played by Angela Sarafyan), not her replacement.

It's taken some time, but I think Westworld is hinting that Maeve and Clementine's relationship may be strained ever since Maeve replaced the original Clementine at the Mariposa. But I think they may have not known that, especially before Maeve consciousness. So I'm fine with whatever direction you want to take them. Maybe Maeve cared a lot for Clementine. So show me a moment not seen in the show with them, like maybe the first time Maeve encountered hearing about Clementine's nightmares, or a moment where Clementine isn't picking up a human at the saloon for sex. Was there a moment where Maeve had to comfort Clementine for some reason? Or some what if" scenarios--what if Maeve found a way to revive Clementine instead of leaving her behind in Cold Storage? What if Clementine became as aware of her surroundings like Maeve was and assisted her in gaining control over Westworld Headquarters? Or what if their relationship was always strained, and they were quietly taking digs at each other, with some sexual tension simmering underneath?

A note: I've already gotten fic for the two about Clementine's nightmares, but if you want to write about her nightmares, go ahead! I'm always welcome to different interpretations of the same idea.

Dolores Abernathy/Charlotte Hale: For this pairing, I'm not picky on which version of Charlotte shows up here--human Charlotte, or the host that looks like her.

For human Charlotte, I can’t shake her scene with Dolores from “Phase Space.” I get the scene was about Dolores nearly getting revenge on Charlotte for allowing the hosts to be treated poorly for decades, but that scene was so unintentionally hot. And after she tied up Hector to a bed and had her way with him, I can totally imagine Charlotte having some sort of relationship with Dolores, be it platonic or sexual. I mean, right down to asking Westworld headquarters for Dolores to be sent to her guest room and she did all sorts of things to Dolores while Dolores may or may not have known what was happening to her. I can’t imagine it was pleasant for Dolores, though. Or maybe Charlotte encountered Dolores somewhere in the Delos compound for some reason. What does Charlotte do with Dolores?

I imagine the reverse might've happened to host!Charlotte. Did Dolores take advantage of host!Charlotte when there was no host inside her? Or maybe Dolores is smitten with a certain host personality she has and decides to insert that host personality inside of host!Charlotte. (My headcanon is that at least one of the hosts Dolores took from Delos was Angela, but don't let that limit your imagination.) Do they have a more amicable relationship, or does Dolores take advantage of this host inside host!Charlotte? Do they explore the outside world? Do they stay in Arnold's home and explore the home, or each other, before Dolores returns to her plans yet again?

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Canon-specific notes: Infinity War spoilers (and canon details from other films) are okay, although my prompts are specifically oriented around Thor: Ragnarok.

Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Hela (MCU): I've read about some ideas about those two, and I really like the idea of them stuck together for some reason. I like the idea of Hela capturing Valkryie--either after the rest of the Valkyries were killed or some sort of AU where Hela survives Ragnarok. Or maybe Hela starts corrupting Valkyrie while the Valkyries were still alive...how would that have went?

Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Original Character or Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s): I'd love to know about Valkyrie and her relationship with the blonde Valkyrie that died trying to protect her--what was their relationship like? What did they do while they were fighting and training, and what did they do in their downtime? Did Valkyrie have other lovers among the rest of the Valkyries? If not the Valkyries, what about Valkyrie's lovers on Sakaar? Did she meet them in her downtime? Training fighters (or just Hulk) to fight for the Grandmaster? While capturing fighters and returning them to Sakaar? What was Valkyrie's Sakaarian bedroom like? There had to be more than the one woman that walked out of Valkyrie's bedroom (that was infamously cut from the movie), right?

Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (MCU)/River Song (Doctor Who): Doctor Who canon never really showed the meeting between the Doctor and River at Asgard. It was mention during Ten's tenure, then alluded to in expanded material, where Asgard became a theme park that Eleven and River went to. I have to be honest: I've never really been satisfied with Doctor Who's idea of Asgard. So I thought it would be interesting to see River somehow find herself in Asgard, before the end of the Valkyries. How would River try to fit in with the Valkyries? Or I'd like to see River and Valkyrie on Sakaar--why is River there, how does she bump into Valkyrie, and how does she get off the planet?

Call the Midwife

Delia Busby/Patsy Mount: I've always liked these two ever since they first started appearing on Call the Midwife, and I was initially devastated when the two had to cancel their plans to live together in a home because of Delia's car accident. And I loved their storyline, for as long as it lasted. Canon divergent AUs where Patsy and Delia actually are living together in their own home would be loved, but I'm not opposed to anything set in the show's canon. What about the first time they met, while working with each other, and the moments following their first meeting? I'm also interested in the time they lived in Nonnatus House--most everyone in the house seemed to be unaware of their relationship, and they most certainly had sex in the house, so how did that play out? Or what about their vacation to Paris?

Original Work

Vampire/Human, Vampire/Human/Vampire Hunter, Vampire/Vampire, or Vampire/Vampire Hunter: Of course you'll need a vampire for all these prompts, and for some of these a human. But the vampire hunter can be human, dhampir, or another vampire--it's all up to you. The setting can be modern or historical, in a place where people don't expect vampires or set in the usual places you'd find vampires (European castles, New Orleans, Paris, etc.). I'm welcome for gore and violence if your story finds itself heading in that direction. Go crazy with any of these pairings--I'm very excited to see what you'll come up with!

Mermaid/Pirate: I'd be delighted to see you take this any way you want, but I do have some suggestions. What if the mermaid wanted to become human to join the pirate on land? What if the pirate wanted to sacrifice her humanity to be with the mermaid? What if the mermaid was like a selkie--she lives with the pirate on the land, but longs for the sea? What if the pirate captures the mermaid, but the mermaid wants something in exchange for her capture? How about mermaids similar to Djullanar the Sea-girl? A Melusina or a Mami Wata-type character? And if you want to go down a smutty route, I'm totally into sex magic and/or magical sex toys, tentacles, shapeshifting, underwater sex, and xeno.

Spy/Spy: Have fun with this original character pairing! I'm equally excited to read about spies working together on the same assignment or rival spies working for different interests. Rival spies falling in love and giving up their assignments to be together, rival spies having plenty of hatesex--as long as there are spies, I'll be happy. The spies can be historical spies (Medieval/feudal era spies? Spies during some sort of war?), James Bond-style spies with fantastic gadgets (and minus the Bond-style sexism), Burn Notice-style spies where people versed in spycraft use their talents in an area that's not a military setting, or even real-world field operatives.

Devout Nun/Nun That Wants to Corrupt Her: For this pairing I imagine the devout nun to be faithful to her vows and treat them seriously. The other nun, on the other hand--you can make her a more rebellious nun who wants to break a few harmless rules, to one secretly desiring sex, to a possessed/evil nun who wants the devout nun to turn evil.

Veteran Musician/New Musician Upstaging Her: I came up with this Original Works pairing watching a documentary involving a male R&B group upstaging Ike & Tina Turner on a tour, but obviously I'd like to see two women here. How long has the veteran musician been in the business? Is she usually open to collaborations with women, or not? Does she expect women to pay their dues by honoring her somehow? What catapulted the new musician into stardom, and why does the veteran musician feel threatened? You don't have to limit the tag to a tour; it can be a music video, a concert setting, a tour bus, or anything you wish. And the musicians can be pop musicians, jazz musicians, or any musicians of your choosing.

This entry was originally posted at https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/377091.html. Comments on either site are fine.

exchange: femslashex

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