Doctor Who (2005) fic: Living in Frozen Time (3/3, complete)

Jan 28, 2018 21:23

Went and wrote three drabbles for
tic_tac_woe for the “Time Freezes” prompt. The drabbles are also for various prompts at
dw100, hence the headers. But this is a complete story made out of three drabbles.

The fic is also inspired by the Four Doctors Titan Comics event, but you don’t need to read that to understand these drabbles.

Also on AO3.

Sorry about the mess earlier-browser freakout.

Title: Living in Frozen Time (1/3)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Prompt: 154, marriage
Summary: AU during “The Wedding of River Song.” The Doctor doesn’t want to die.

He warned River about that fixed point in time, told her he had to die to save time, married her, even told her his real name.

And yet the Doctor had one niggling thought in the back of his head. He didn’t want to die, not now, not ever.

So instead of kissing the bride to complete the shotgun wedding, to save all of time, the Doctor said “Wife, I have a request. I don’t want to die.”

“But you said-“

“Let’s go.”

They sped down the pyramid to look for the TARDIS or anything that would take them away.

Title: Living in Frozen Time (2/3)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Prompt: 012, out of character
Summary: AU after “The Wedding of River Song.” Domestic life in a dying world.

River and the Doctor found a two bedroom house with a garage in a city surrounded by spires. Biplanes and pterodactyls flew past the spires. River, dressed in a sweater draped over one shoulder and loose pants, had a day job somewhere. The Doctor stayed in their home and made tea.

River knew she’d never see the stars again. She could never be intimate with the Doctor, let alone be able to touch him. The Doctor knew people were dying because of his inaction. But if living in frozen time was the only way to live together, they accepted it.

Title: Living in Frozen Time (3/3)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Prompt: 174, First Doctor titles (“The Edge of Destruction”)
Summary: AU after “The Wedding of River Song.” Watching time die, slowly and illogically.

The Orient Express started building a railway in the Doctor and River’s spire city. Airships and cars attached to hot air balloons joined the biplanes and pterodactyls in the air. Soon, Margaret of Anjou would establish Coventry and Henry VI’s court near the spire city. All of time was happening on 5:02 PM on 22 April 2011, and all of time was about to end.

River and the Doctor looked out the living room window of their house, watching all of time happening all at once. The end of time was their doing. But at least they were together.

This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

character: river song, fandom: doctor who (2005), fandom: doctor who (titan comics), character: the doctor (eleven), community: tic_tac_woe, community: dw100

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