Creator rec (originally for Fandom Snowflake Challenge): nonelvis (Dr Who)

Jan 12, 2017 00:09

I missed day 11 because I swear when I checked my friends feed this morning, I didn't see any posts.

Day 11
In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

But I can briefly give a creator rec to my absolute favorite smut writer in Doctor Who fandom,
nonelvis. She doesn't always write smut, but she has the ability to write smut for so many different pairings and make it hot.

I've recced her work on fancake, het_reccers twice, and calufrax twice. So, yeah, I really like her stuff.

She usually lists where her works can be found at the top of her fics, but they can be found at the following sites:
nonelvis, nonelvis,
nonelvis, and nonelvis on the Doctor Who archive A Teaspoon and an Open Mind.

This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

recs: creators

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