Substance abuse fic recs for my HC Bingo card, 2016

Sep 01, 2016 17:21

Fandoms: Breaking Bad (two fic recs), Orphan Black (three fic recs), and Elementary (five fic recs). Reccer chooses not to warn past content notes provided by the authors recced here. When I went through these recs, these recs didn't have any egregious SPAG errors, but if they are any, I missed them. But these recs certainly fit this prompt.

Breaking Bad

Jane Margolis/Jesse Pinkman; Walter White, Mike Ehrmantraut, Badger (Breaking Bad), Skinny Pete, Christian "Combo" Ortega: Baking Bad by
heyjupiter [Teen].

Notes: No content notes apply.

Jesse Pinkman and his former home-ec teacher Walter White are co-owners of Heisenbrew's Uncertainty, an up-and-coming food truck. The business is going great, but local chain Hermanos Cafecitos wants to buy them out, Jesse's girlfriend got into art school in New Zealand, and Mr. White won't let Jesse buy organic ingredients for his muffins. On these and other pressing concerns, Jesse seeks advice from his NA sponsor Mike.

Or: the ABQ by way of Portlandia.

Yes, this is a coffee shop & food truck AU (where the coffee shop is on a food truck). But everything else about this fic is faithful to the show, from Jesse's point of view to the show's plot and, most importantly for this rec list, Jesse's recovery from drug addiction.

Jane Margolis, Donald Margolis, Jesse Pinkman: The Black Place by
warriorpoet [Mature]

Notes: No content notes apply.

Jane, her father, rehab, and relapse.

This Jane-centric piece focus on Jane's attempts to get clean, as well as how the men in her life affect her rehabilitation.

Orphan Black

The first two fics with Beth in them were written well before the fourth season of Orphan Black, which, IMO, retconned some of Beth's actions that lead to her death.

Beth Childs/Alison Hendrix: flickering by
willowcabins [Teen]

Notes: No content notes apply.

After the precinct had copied down her statement and Art had finally let her get into her car, Elizabeth chose not to go home. Her safe place was somewhere completely different.

Here, Beth tries to rationalize why she is abusing prescription pills. Meanwhile, Alison attempts to stop her from taking them.

Beth Childs (Beth Childs/Alison Hendrix): the first time by
willowcabins [Teen]

Notes: Creator chose not to warn.

The first time Beth took pills.

Another take on what might have drove Beth to abuse prescription pills.

Paul Dierden/Sarah Manning: Close Enough by
scifiunicorn [Teen]

Notes: No content notes apply.

One night she wakes up to the monotonous bleep-bleep-bleep of an EKG, and suddenly light is flitting between her eyelids in scant slivers, hazy and unfocused, and once she fully regains consciousness, she realizes that she’s in a hospital room. Paul is at her side, watching her, his face its usual expressionless tone.

This fic's not based on canon, but it shows Sarah in a bad relationship with Paul, and how she turns to heroin to cope with the relationship.


Joan Watson, Sherlock Holmes: survival is a house of cards by
quodthey [General Audiences]

Notes: No content notes apply.

As a doctor, as a surgeon, there is a team of people for you to work with, as intergrated and as connected as the organs in the body. As an addict, an alcoholic, you have yourself.

As the tags note, this fic is Jossed. But in this fic, Joan deals with recovering from alcohol abuse, and how she now has to deal with Sherlock, himself a recovering addict.

Joan Watson/Sherlock Holmes: tell me we're dead and i'll love you even more by
postcardmystery [Mature]

Notes: Graphic depictions of violence and fic is tagged for "child abuse, self-harm, suicide," and "suicide attempt."

He’s always heard ghosts, always seen them, too. But to command them is deeper, and darker, and different, and something no normal medium can manage. He is Sherlock Holmes. He is not a normal medium. He is not a normal anything.

An idea of how Sherlock's life was before the series started and how it changed when he met Joan (written during the show's first season), complete with tales about Sherlock's addictions and how Joan keeps him from relapsing.

Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Irene Adler (Jamie Moriarty): i just can't think of england by
postcardmystery [Mature]

Notes: Graphic depictions of violence and fic is tagged for "suicide" and "suicide attempt."

“A life half-lived,” he’d said, Lestrade’s leather jacket wet in the soft, grey rain, “Is not a life at all.”

A fic that looks at how Sherlock's relationship with Irene could have affected his addiction to drugs.

Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson: Con Men by
Welfycat [Teen]

Notes: No content notes apply.

Watson trusted him. That was precisely what Sherlock had been trying to avoid.

In this fic, Sherlock uses Joan's trust in him to keep himself from relapsing.

Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson, Irene Adler (Jamie Moriarty), Mycroft Holmes: O Terra, Addio by
Greens [Teen]

Notes: Creator chose not to warn, but there is a tag for "character death."

Sherlock conceded with the fact that Irene was dead. What he didn’t tell Joan was that he had been the one who killed her.

Another fic which looks at how Irene was part of the cause of his drug addiction and how Watson keeps him from relapsing.
This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

recs by community: hc_bingo, bingo challenge: hc_bingo, recs: fic

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