Vacationthon (both years)

Jul 02, 2016 13:28

I'll make this my last post of the day in regards to cleaning up stuff from exchanges, I promise.

Vacationthon was an exchange that ran in 2011 and 2012, where writers had to write characters going on vacations.

In 2011 my gift was we're the heirs to the glimmering world (Misfits [TV], Simon, Nathan, Alicia, Kelly, Curtis, PG-13) and it was written by youremyqueen. I wrote Bad Day at Blackhaven (Gossip Girl, Blair, Chuck, Serena, Dan, teen) for flipflop_diva.

In 2012 my gift was Maple Leaf Fever (Torchwood, team, Jack/Ianto, PG) and it was written by moon_blitz. I wrote The Weeping Angel Cave (Doctor Who, Eleven/River, general audiences) for unbidden_truth.

This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

community: vacationthon

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