Doctor Who (2005) fic: Where Do You Want to Take Me Today?

Jan 21, 2016 20:43

I was going to do my Battlefield idea for Heroine Big Bang, but I didn't think I could even write 1.5 K with my idea. So I'm scrapping it. This would've been the introduction to it, although it doesn't seem like it:

Title: Where Do You Want to Take Me Today? | AO3
Wordcount: 255
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: The Doctor's TARDIS, River Song
Notes: For fic_promptly. Fic starts near the beginning of the Twelfth Doctor comic story "Unearthly Things," but you don't need to read the comic for this ficlet.
Summary: Why the TARDIS was in Derbyshire, 1845.

The TARDIS materialised in the path of Charlotte Brontë and her friend, Ellen, in Derbyshire, 1845. The sudden appearance of the TARDIS caused Brontë to be bucked from her horse. The horse ran back to North Lees Hall, the estate of Lord Marlborough, where Brontë was staying at the time.

The Doctor and Clara were attempting to get to Margate, in Kent, for a seaside holiday. Unsurprisingly, the Doctor was hundreds of miles, and possibly thousands of years, off course.

Brontë suffered a sprained ankle after she was bucked from her horse. The Doctor offered to carry her back to North Lees Hall. Ellen, still on her horse, and Clara followed them.

Shortly after Brontë, Ellen, Clara, and the Doctor were heading to North Lees Hall, River Song, dressed in a jacket, waistcoat, shirt, and skirt, walked up to the TARDIS. River was taking a break from her archaeology studies, and she wanted to take the TARDIS out for a joy ride. Having read Jane Eyre, she knew Brontë's Edward Rochester sounded very much like how people would describe the Doctor. She decided to hang out in Derbyshire for a few days around where Brontë would come up with the idea of Jane Eyre. River grinned when she reached the TARDIS. Her reading of Jane Eyre was spot-on.

River pulled out a TARDIS key from her bag. "Hi, Mum," she said as she unlocked the TARDIS doors. "Where do you want to take me today? I could stand to get some more brandy, you know."

This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.

character: river song, rating: general audiences, fandom: doctor who (2005), fandom: doctor who (titan comics), character: doctor's tardis, community: fic_promptly

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