Burn Notice fic: Rest Up

Aug 19, 2014 13:35

Title: Rest Up | AO3
Fandom: Burn Notice
Wordcount: 705
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Michael Westen/Fiona Glenanne

hc_bingo: self-harm
comment_fic: Burn Notice, Michael/Fi, "you couldn't have done anything different."
Notes: This is set at the end of "Where There's Smoke," after Jesse leaves Michael's loft when Michael and Fiona are kissing but before Jesse and Michael break into the bank to get Simon's Bible.
Summary: Michael takes care of Fiona's injuries after her job.

Fiona's shoulder began to throb after Jesse had left Michael's loft. She pulled back from the kiss she shared with Michael, grabbing her shoulder.

"Fi, what's wrong?" Michael asked.

"The geniuses that kidnapped me handcuffed my wrists to a chair. I had to dislocate my shoulder to break the chair's arms."

Michael circled the cut on Fiona's head with his finger. "How'd you get that cut?"

"I cut myself so it looked like I was in a fight with Sarah."

"To fool the kidnappers."

Fiona nodded.

"I understand. You couldn't have done anything different." Michael exhaled through his nose. He frowned. "I should take you home and get you out of this dress. You're not married to Sam anymore."

"Good. I don't think I could have a husband who drinks all day and wears Tommy Bahama shirts."

At Fiona's apartment, Michael unzipped Fiona and helped her out of her dress and underwear. He looked for sleepwear she could wear in bed, but Michael couldn't find anything. Fiona had a few pieces of lingerie, things she bought to impress Michael. (Sometimes they impressed Sam, although he never said anything.) Everything else she had was casual clothing or formalwear.

A nude Fiona snuck up behind Michael while he was looking for clothes for her. "Don't get too excited."

"I won't. You should get into bed. I'll be right back with the ice and some Band-Aids."


As Fiona went back to bed, Michael grabbed a small towel and filled a plastic bag with ice. He put the ice on Fiona's shoulder. Michael then looked at the cut on Fiona's head again. It was healing. Had Michael been there when the cut was bleeding, he would've cleaned the cut with soap and water and then put a Band-Aid over it. The cut was healing well; the cut didn't look infected. Michael took a Band-Aid and placed it on Fiona's head, being careful not to get her hair trapped in the Band-Aid's adhesive.

"Thank you, Michael." Fiona smiled.

"I was thinking since we couldn't finish what we started in the loft, we could finish it here."

"Michael, I can't-"

Michael removed the sheets covering Fiona's body. He kissed her on her stomach, moving down her body with every subsequent kiss.

Fiona nodded. "Oh."

Michael teased Fiona, kissing and licking all over her stomach and inside her upper thighs. He looked into her eyes before going for her left breast, licking and sucking it. Fiona's eyes widened. She blushed. Her breathing sped up. She grinned. After sucking her left breast, Michael teased Fiona again, kissing and sucking her stomach and thighs again. Without warning, Michael sucked her right breast. Fiona moaned.

Another round of teasing followed before Michael left a trail of kisses down to Fiona's cunt. Michael held her legs together and began to lick and suck all over her cunt. Fiona started to rock against his face. She couldn't get in too close to his face, though. It was what Michael wanted. Not only could he keep Fiona's shoulder as still as he could, he could still frustrate her. And Fiona was frustrated. Her face was growing redder. She gripped the bed with her hands. She moaned louder.

Michael opened Fiona's legs and allowed her to ride his face. He continued to lick and suck her clit. At times he looked up into her eyes again, delighting in her frustration. He backed off when Fiona's legs shook and she let out a final loud groan.

Michael went into Fiona's bathroom and cleaned himself up. Then he stood by Fiona's side in her bedroom.

"I'm meeting up with Jesse soon."

Fiona nodded. "The safe deposit box."

"We still have to steal it."

"Right." She nodded. "I still don't like you lying to Jesse, Michael."

"It's the only way I'm going to find out who burned me."

Fiona sighed.

"I'm going to let you rest your shoulder. I'll check up on you later. Bye, Fi."

"Goodbye, Michael."

Michael left Fiona's apartment, heading back to his loft. Fiona rolled her eyes and looked up at her ceiling as Michael left. She knew that as long as Michael still sought out the people that burned him, moments like that would be sporadic.

This entry was originally posted at http://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/277482.html. Comments on either site are fine.

character: michael westen, rating: nc-17, character: fiona glenanne, community: hc_bingo, fandom: burn notice

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