The first thing you should know about me is that I'm easy to please, as long as my dislikes are held into account. I give prompts, and you're free to work with them, but you could write me anything, as long as it has proper SPAG, and I'll be happy. Seriously.
The one thing I'm vehemently against is character bashing. I like most of the characters in my fandoms. If I sense character bashing in the summary or in the fic, I'll refuse to finish it. Feel free to exclude characters as you see fit, but please don't bash them.
Although I've noted some things that would bother me in certain fandoms, in general I'm not fond of crossovers (especially crossovers with fandoms I didn't list in this letter), vomitplay and incest.
If you get stuck and you need help in coming up with something else for me, I do like AUs of all sorts, hurt/comfort, casefic, fluff, porn (with or without a plot), curtainfic, and road trip/vacation fics. And I'm equally fine with gen, het, or slash. But I'll be happy with anything you write for me.
Also, I should note that you can write any combination of the characters I've offered. You can write one of the characters or pick and choose from anything of the characters I've offered for a fic. You don't have to write a fic with all the characters I've chosen.
Yes, I did offer Nyssa al Ghul and Nyssa of Traken. And Jenny Mills and Sinning Jenny, too! Be careful when you read. Although I would find it amusing if Nyssa al Ghul suddenly became an alien or Nyssa of Traken suddenly became an arrow-shooting assassin. Or Jenny Mills strangled devils or Sinning Jenny suddenly packed some serious firepower.
American Horror Story(: Coven)
Fiona Goode, Marie LaVeau
I was surprised at how much I ended up liking AHS: Coven, especially since I ended up quitting Nip/Tuck (remember that show?) after season 1. Also, Glee and The New Normal left me cold after I watched their pilots. So I avoided AHS in general because of Ryan Murphy's attachment to the project. Then people started talking about AHS: Coven. I couldn't resist watching it to see why everyone was so excited about it. And I fell in love with it and a lot of the show's characters (even when people were cursing Murphy, as if he was the only producer of the show--again).
Hmm, how do I see Fiona? She's someone that sought out power--in this case, the power of the Supreme before her--and was desperate to keep that power, even if it meant doing so in dishonest ways. I feel she fled the coven and Cordelia because she was afraid of losing her power if she actually played by the coven's rules. And she knew that, by having Cordelia (and not killing her when she was younger), Cordelia would slowly sap her powers and abilities until her death.
Anything with Fiona would be awesome. Her days in the coven with younger Myrtle determined to expose Fiona as the awful person she is. Fic that explores Fiona and her relationship with Cordelia's dad. Fic about the hell Fiona raised while she was away from the coven. Fic that explores Fiona and her lack of a relationship with Cordelia. Fic where Fiona tries to get out of her hell by battling Papa Legba and/or the Axe Man. Anything!
As for Marie Laveau, aside from her bad deal with Papa Legba, I'm sure she's always had the best interests of the African-American community in New Orleans at heart. Most everything she does in this series is done to ensure her people are safe from their enemies or avenged from those who have harmed the community.
The show gives us some brief flashes of Marie using her voodoo to help or avenge others between when she was cursed by Papa Legba and the current day. I'm happy with a fic where Marie uses her powers to help the people in her community. It can be at any period of time from when Marie was cursed to before she was sent into hell with LaLaurie.
Since I know the above request may be a bit daunting, I'm also happy with a fic that looks into a day in the life of Marie's salon. Any time is fine, whether it's when Marie first started the salon or a look at the salon in the present day. I'm sure when she wasn't fielding requests from people that needed her help, the salon was a pleasant place to get your hair styled there.
And if you'd like to write about both Fiona and Marie, I'd be happy with a fic where they're partners. It can be an AU where the two of them never went to their hells and continued to attempt to eradicate their mutual enemies. It can be another AU where one of them gets out of her own hell to help the other, and then from there they escape back into the real world. Or it can be anything with these two. I loved their partnership in the show. As long as their partnership is similar to the partnership that was found in the show, I'll be happy.
Sara Lance, Nyssa al Ghul, Sin
I loved the twist where, while Oliver was out of Sara's life, Sara entered a relationship with Nyssa. But I was disappointed at how the show handled it. We saw Sara and Nyssa kiss before Nyssa launching a campaign to harm Sara's family if she didn't rejoin the League of Assassins. And after that, we see Sara and Oliver kiss (which makes me think the whole episode was to set those two up, at least for the immediate future; there's still a chance that the writers could eventually set Ollie and Felicity up). There wasn't any backstory as to how Sara and Nyssa met and interacted while they were in the League of Assassins, and I didn't like how Nyssa changed from a caring partner to one that would harm people to get her way. (I get the show's selling Nyssa as a villain, but they didn't give her a
face heel turn of sorts like they did Slade, and that's a bit disappointing.)
With Sara and Nyssa, I'd love to see how they met and got on in the League of Assassins. Don't worry about the show possibly Jossing what you write--I'd love to see what you'd come up with! (And knowing this show, it would take weeks to even get to exploring Sara, maybe Nyssa and the other members of the League of Assassins.) It can be just their first meeting, an assignment they're both sent on, how they fell in love...anything, really. I'm sure they both knew Malcolm Merlyn, and I'm pretty sure he was a thorn in their side.
If you can't write Sara and Nyssa together, that's okay! I'm interested in Sara's life before she ended up on Ollie's and his father's boat. The show's somewhat shown her life before the boat accident, but it keeps wanting to...well, talk about just around the time before the boating accident. I'd love to see Sara's interactions with her family and especially how she kept dating Ollie a secret while maintaining a close relationship with everyone in her family. And I'm interested in Nyssa's life after Sara fled the League of Assassins. Did she start looking for Sara? Did she go on other missions to try and forget her? Was she trying to look for her, but up until the events of "Heir to the Demon," she couldn't attempt to find her?
I wish Sin was seen more in the show. It seemed like the show was going to play up her relationship with Sara, but instead Sin shows up often in Roy's and Thea's storylines. There are a lot of things I'd love to read about more with Sin. I'd love to read more about her relationship with Sara before Ollie and his team found out about Sara being back in Starling City. I'd love to know how they met and I'm very interested if Sin helped Sara in her Black Canary guise. Or I wouldn't mind a fic with Sin and Roy. Sin helping Roy deal with his emotions and keeping his mirakuru dosage in check, Sin and Roy fighting petty crime, anything.
Doctor Who
Ace McShane, Nyssa of Traken, Tegan Jovanka
Before I start talking about why I like Nyssa and Tegan, I'll admit--I ship them. And I ship them with the Fifth Doctor. And I ship each one of them with Five (Five/Nyssa and Five/Tegan). But I also don't mind friendship fic between the two of them, with or without Five in the picture. (And I'm also fine with Five and Nyssa and Five and Tegan friendship fic.) I just want more fic from them.
I like Nyssa because she seeks to quell disputes without arousing anger. And I like Tegan because she's not afraid to mince words over anything she doesn't like. No wonder they became friends--they balance each other out.
I don't have a lot of targeted prompts for Nyssa and/or Tegan. There is one--a porn/PWP A/B/O prompt. But I know not everyone's comfortable with porn and/or A/B/O, so feel free to skip this and read my other prompt for the two of them. Nyssa appears human, right? But it's never been confirmed that she has human-like genitals. What if she has something like a knot or something phallic-like between her legs? And what if she goes into heats and needs someone to copulate with from time to time? (Yes, I'm pretty much asking for Nyssa/Tegan A/B/O here, where Nyssa is an alpha and Tegan is a beta...pretty much a human, in this case.)
In general, I want more adventures with either Nyssa or Tegan, with or without Five. Shenanigans inside the TARDIS. Shenanigans outside the TARDIS. Shenanigans where the Doctor (Five or another Doctor) finds Nyssa and/or Tegan after they thought they were done with him. Shenanigans with Adric and/or Turlough, even. Or even the two of them meeting Ace while she's traveling with Seven and the two of them are traveling with Five. Fluff, porn (including PWP), h/c, dark! long as the fic doesn't have what I don't want in a fic, I'll be happy.
As for non-Tegan and Nyssa prompts with Ace, I love the teacher/student dynamic Ace had with Seven, even if he did manipulate her from time to time without her knowledge. More fic where Seven is reliant on Ace's skills to save the day would be great with me. Or if you don't want to write the two of them together, I'd love to see fic where, after she traveled with the Doctor, Ace starts A Charitable Earth. Why did she start it? What is it a charity for? Does she run into the Doctor's other human companions (and some of his other companions, if they're able to travel to Earth and/or are not dead) while getting the charity off the ground?
If you'd like to bring in Big Finish canon for these characters, feel free! I don't mind. Also, Torchwood crossovers are fine, but only for Doctor Who fics please.
Orphan Black
Alison Hendrix, Sarah Manning, Helena
I have some prompt ideas, but to be honest, I feel this show is so tightly plotted it's really hard to get in fic that's set within the first season. So feel free to go AU or write future!fic here if needed. In fact, feel free to write anything if these prompts don't work for you.
I feel Alison's always had the power to have the potential to be a threatening person. And I feel Alison's always been prone to drinking too much. Likewise, I believe Beth's always been prone to addiction. But the discovery of the clones made them spiral downward, in a way, even as they were discovering things they never knew they could do. You're not bound to this idea, but I'd like a fic with the two set between when they first met and Beth's death, where the two of teach each other basic skills for living (like shooting a gun, using craft scissors--feel free to take the prompt seriously and/or go in a cracky direction).
With Alison by herself, I'd like a fic where we get a look at Alison's college years. How she decided on acting as a major. How she "met" Donnie. Whether she dreamed of living in a community with houses that mostly looked the same or not.
And with Beth, anything about her early life would be great. Her childhood, school, police academy, her early days working with Ant, possible signs of anything. Preferably, since there are already fics out there examining her life with Paul already, I'd try to avoid including Paul. If you want to add him, I'm not opposed to that.
With Sarah by herself, I'd like to see fic with her growing up with Felix and Mrs S, getting into criminal mischief before heading out to Toronto. I feel the canon does a good job of fleshing Sarah out, but there's always more to be discovered, right?
I find Helena fascinating. I tend to not look at her the way fandom does with the "seetra" and "Jello" memes and whatnot. She may have been abused, and her vocabulary sounds simplistic, but she's a wily character. I mean, how else was she able to sneak into Beth's precinct to spy on Sarah? And she had to have killed all the clones she killed without them knowing. Anything with Helena would be great. I'm especially interested in how Helena was abused to do the bidding of Tomas and Maggie as well as her obsessions with Sarah and Kira, but anything with Helena would be awesome.
I'm very interested in the relationships between Alison & Sarah and Sarah & Helena as well, if you'd like to write about that. I like how Alison and Sarah became fast friends after Alison almost killed her when they first met. Now they'd do anything to get each other out of a tight spot. More fic where Alison & Sarah get themselves out of tight spots (with or without Felix) would be great. And with Sarah & Helena, there's obviously an antagonistic relationship, driven by Helena's obsession with the woman she thinks is her sister as well as her daughter and Sarah misunderstanding her when Helena is finally trying to do what she thinks are the right things to do. (So treat who you think is your sister right before attempting to shoot your birth mother. Which means don't go stalking her at where you think she works at. And some other things.) AUs are great with those two, if you want to go in that direction. I'd like to see a noir AU with those two in it, but something as simple (and not as outlandish) as Sarah forgiving Helena and not killing her (and what happens after that) is good.
I really dislike when "sister" is phonetically spelled out at "seetra," so please avoid that if you're writing Helena. Also, I'm not against clonecest, if you're wondering.
Sleepy Hollow
Jenny Mills, Katrina Crane
I like this canon, but I feel the canon's focus on Ichabod is a disservice to most of the other characters on the show. (I like Ichabod, but I feel the show focuses on Abbie and him more than the other characters.) And I want more fics with Jenny and Katrina. In general, anything with one of the two or both of them would be awesome.
With Jenny, I'd like to see more of her life traveling the world before Abbie came back into her life. I want her sneaking out of the asylum and looking for strange and rare artifacts. I want her dealing with people who deal with arms and showing them who's boss. Hell, I'll even take her taking on the people inside the asylum so she can sneak out. I'm also fine with fic that explores Jenny and Abbie's and or Jenny and Frank's relationship, either during the first season or something after the first season. Feel free to write anything you please--I don't care about it being Jossed.
With Katrina, I want to see more of her life before she lost Ichabod. Her life before she became a witch and joined a coven. Her life while she was a witch and joined a coven. Abraham attempting to woo her before he became Headless. Hiding her pregnancy from Ichabod. The quest she undertook in Europe to find a cure for the curse she put Headless and Ichabod under (something I really wish the show explored more instead of explaining it away in a two minute monologue). And if you can't work with those prompts, anything with Katrina would be great, even if it is an AU or a future!fic.
If you want to write both Jenny and Katrina, I'd love a fic where they both team up with Abbie and defeat evil! Obviously, the three meeting in canon hasn't happened, but I'd love for it to happen.
With this request, I ask that you not write Jenny/Abbie (or, by extension, any ship that has Jenny/Abbie in it), since incest is a huge squick of mine--I'm uneasy reading and especially writing it. And in regards to Ichabod, I'm also not a huge fan of lieutenant spelled "leftenant" in fanworks--what people think is "leftenant" is an alternate pronunciation of lieutenant, that's all. Any other pairings are fine, as long as Jenny and/or Katrina are front and center.
Fallen London
The Duchess, The Gracious Widow, The Secular Missionary, Sinning Jenny
Spoilers below. Lots of spoilers below
The Widow seems to war with a lot of factions in this game, doesn't she? The Cheery Man says "[s]he thinks she's a big noise in Spite." I guess naturally she gets into disputes with the Dockers, Urchins and the Duchess and her people.
One idea I'd like to read about is how the Widow started her own jade-smuggling business down in the Neath, one so big that she's banned from the Apicius Club's meetings (to the point where they have to rely on the player to give them jade for their feasts). For one, the Widow had to find herself in Spite after London fell, right? I'd love to read about that, too. And I'd like to see how she amassed a group of smugglers that were loyal to her. You can even throw in the Dockers getting pissed off that they're not being compensated by the Widow for providing services to the smugglers.
There's a card where the Widow catches an urchin girl robbing her, and one of the options is to return the girl to the Widow so the Widow can adopt the urchin. I think it would be fun to read a fic where the Widow attempts to teach the urchin how to become a proper lady. Whether the Widow succeeds or fails is up to you.
Or I'd like to see what caused the war over brandy between the Duchess and the Widow, and if that ever was resolved. A lack of brandy in Spite or at the Palace? A bad relationship between the two?
If you don't want to write about the war between the Duchess and the Widow, I've always wondered about the Duchess and her relationship with cats. You can write about her relationship in general with them or you can write about the Duchess and the Midnight Matriarch. Why was the Duchess so fond of the Midnight Matriarch? Why did she exile the Matriarch? Why does the Duchess forgive the Midnight Matriarch at...well, technically, it's the player's salon, but you can make it the Duchess' salon or a general salon.
Or if you have anything that's bugging you about the Duchess (e.g. her relationship with the Cantigaster, her knowledge of the Masters, et. al.), feel free to write about that instead. Anything with the Duchess, if you choose to write her, would be great with me.
With the Missionary, I'd love to know about all the adventures she had outside the Neath. Looking for her husband. Not looking for her husband. Getting in the Neath. Getting out of the Neath. Quite possibly working with the Calendar Council to aid in the Liberation of Night. I imagine she's like the Neath's version of a super-spy. I mean, aside from Alice. Also, that Revolutionary thing.
And Sinning Jenny! Sinning Jenny is a nun, a member of a convent outside of Fallen London known as The Sisterhood. In her words, "The Sisterhood exists to guard secrets and protect travellers. We're... hands-on." In short, this Sisterhood is a large group of nuns that kick ass. She's there in Fallen London to aid Mr Wines, who is helping the Sisterhood out with the Vake in Fallen London.
What I'd like is a fic where Jenny is defending others against various threats. She's defending Mr Wines from revolutionaries! She's snapping the necks of devils that get too close to her! She's kicking drunks and people that have overdosed on Prisoner's Honey out of the Palace of Virtue! Anything you can think of would be awesome here. I just want to see Jenny kick some ass.
In addition to Dreamwidth
merryghoul, I'm also on LJ (
merryghoul). I pin recs every so often on Pinboard (
merryghoul). My AO3 account in general is
vmarigoldabrams, but most of my fic is under the V psued. (I sign up for challenges under the merryghoul psued.) I have a Tumblr (
merryghoul), but I use it every so often.
That's it. And whether you're my assigned writer, a pinch hitter or a treater, thank you for writing for me! ♥
This entry was originally posted at Comments on either site are fine.