Yuletide reveals, commentary; beta jobs

Jan 01, 2014 13:41

Before I do a brief commentary on how I wrote my Yuletide fics, the fic that was written for me for Yuletide was by

(Fandoms: Breaking Bad, Orphan Black, Burn Notice)

My main assignment was a Breaking Bad fic for
venturous: APPLY YOURSELF (3575 words; Mature; Jesse Pinkman, Walter White, Brock Cantillo, Mrs. Cantillo, Ed [the "vacuum repair shop" guy]).

I was given a variety of things to do for
venturous' prompt, so I chose the idea I felt most comfortable with (Jesse escaping to Alaska) with the characters I had to use (Jesse and Walt) and ran with it. This fic required the most research to write. I ended up bouncing from the Breaking Bad Reddit to the Breaking Bad Wikia to random charter plane sites (I didn't use these in my fic) to, of course, Wikipedia.

I'll own up to taking Jonathan Banks' suggestion on the last Talking Bad episode at Hollywood Forever Cemetery to make Brock's visit the first thing Jesse did once he was free from the compound, but I personally didn't think it was right to have Jesse take Brock with him.

I chose Nome as Jesse's final stop because, despite it being famous for being part of the Alaskan Gold Rush and, these days, on Bering Sea Gold* (the show I had in mind when I mentioned my Alaskan show in my fic), the best way to get there is by plane, which, IMO, could buy Jesse some time if the authorities were to close in on him. (Also, I wanted a place where Jesse could get necessities without too much help, since I wanted Ed to treat Jesse like his other clients except for Walt.)

Alas, Jesse could still be caught in Nome, but I did give my fic a happy ending, so for now, at least in my fic, Jesse is happy and hiding out in Nome. (Away from the Bering Sea Gold people, who are quite unpleasant on the show.)

I took a pinch hit for
Moebius: Sheep With Gun (1087 words; Mature; Helena, Alison Hendrix)

Since my recipient was okay with anything (as long as it included one of the characters listed in the sign-up: Delphine, Alison, Cosima and/or Helena), originally, I tried to write something that would've detailed the death of Danielle, the French clone that was killed by Helena prior to the start of the show. And I couldn't finish it (thank goodness, since typing this out makes me see how really left-field that story would've been). I don't plan to rework the WIP for myself, since every time I look at it, I want to wring my hands and give up. (But I did put in a stealth reference to my WIP in the first paragraph of the fic.)

So I came up with a mid-Series 1 fic where Helena is mistakenly sent to take out Alison because Tomas thinks Alison is Beth instead. And I had a lot of fun with the eventual Yuletide fic.

I wrote a Burn Notice treat for
Missy: The Next Chapter (1075 words; General Audiences; Fiona Glenanne/Michael Westen, Madeline Westen, Sam Axe, Jesse Porter).

(spoilers for the end of Burn Notice below)

I know the fic isn't as shippy as Missy wanted it, but I wanted to write an AU ending to "Reckoning" where James didn't suddenly have a kill switch attached to him so production could have an excuse to blow up the old Miami Herald building. I also wanted the team together instead of Michael, Fiona and Charlie fleeing for I-guess-its-Ireland while Jesse and Sam stayed in Miami. I always imagined the show would have Michael rejecting the CIA on his own terms without some bad guy getting into his head. I also didn't imagine the CIA being vilified in the process. And then after that, Michael would be a PI of sorts in Miami with the team, the show fading to black. (And, ideally, Charlie wouldn't be in the picture as a mere plot device to make Michael question his actions.) So I ended up writing something close to how I imagined the ending of the series to be while keeping it in line with the events of "Reckoning."

Almost forgot to add the fics I betaed! D:

I betaed the Elementary/World War Z crossover with Joan in it, New York City, New York, USA (The Case of The One Which Remains), written by

And if you went through the Scandal fics, my name was already up on this fic, but I also betaed Love Is The Root Of All Evil, a Scandal (Mellie/Olivia, Olivia/Fitz, Mellie/Fitz) fic written by

*autoplay video in link This entry was originally posted at https://merryghoul.dreamwidth.org/244396.html. Comments on either site are fine.

fandom: breaking bad, exchange: yuletide, fandom: orphan black, fandom: burn notice

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